4 (wo)man/3 Bike relay
Race description:
Teams of four runners will compete to cover the approximately 21.5 mile distance from Olympia to Yelm (all on paved Chehalis-Western and Yelm-Tenino trails) as fast as possible, having one member from their team running at all times. The team members not running may ride ahead or alongside their runner on bikes, and each team will determine the distance and number of legs for each participant. Initially, this race was designed just for high school x-c teams, but now the race is open to anyone who would like to compete.
Time/Date: Monday, July 1st starting from the Chambers Lake Trailhead (directions below) at 9:00 AM and finishing in downtown Yelm.
Location: Starting in Olympia, Washington and finishing in Yelm, Washington (course map below). If someone can drive an extra bike out to Yelm then everyone can bike back, you can run/ride back to the start, one bike can be a tandem bike and then everyone can bike back, you can have a vehicle pick you up at the finish, or there is also a bus line that runs from Yelm back to Olympia. If you would like to bring money for a movie and/or lunch out in Yelm afterward that would be a great idea.
What to bring: Bring three bikes, four runners, and some food/water in a backpack.
Cost: Free
Top 9 High School times:
#1 -- Olympia High School -- Nate Van Haitsma, Chris Charles, Ian Dandridge, Peter Kesting -- 1:49.07 (2012)
#2 -- Olympia High School -- Jack McCauley, Zack Sundt, Sam Fleckenstein, Tilahun Castro -- 1:51.55* (2017)
#3 -- Olympia High School -- Sam Fleckenstein, Tilahun Castro, Connor Griffith, Ben Kosa -- 1:53.19 (2018)
#4 -- Oly HS/Puy HS mixed -- Drew Baker, Caden Durocher, Maurin Monaghan, Dominic Saxowsky -- 1:59.24** (2023)
#5 -- Olympia High School -- Nate Brennand, Jared Shorten, Chris Charles, Nate Van Haitsma -- 1:59.46 (2010)
#6 -- Olympia High School -- Nate Van Haitsma, Chris Charles, Kieran Sprague, Ian Dandridge -- 2:01.06 (2011)
#7 -- Olympia High School -- Leo Kane, Josiah York, Miles Yost, Colin Danielson -- 2:05.46 (2023)
#8 -- Curtis High School -- Daniel Caldwell, Will Ferguson, Andrew McClellan, Andy Caldwell -- 2:09.00 (2009)
#9 -- Olympia High School -- Ted Knudsen, Luke Vannice, Sam Fleckestein, Dusty Miller -- 2:09.10 (2009)
Female Course Record (4 Woman/3 Bike) -- Lucy Clinton, Zoe Smitherman, Cece Wallace, Flora Wallace -- 2:50.25 (2024)
Open Course Record (3 Man/2 Bike) -- Josiah Price, Andy Prentice, Jesse Stevick -- 1:50.05 (2011)
Open Course Record (4 Man/3 Bike) -- Ted Knudsen, Luke Vannice, Kieran Sprague, Jesse Stevick -- 1:49.29 (2012)
*17 second adjustment for change in trail structure near Yelm trailhead in 2017
** Co-ed HS course record
Directions to Chambers Lake Trailhead of Chehalis Western Trail:
From I-5 northbound: take Exit #108 to Sleater Kinney Road. Head south, cross Pacific Avenue, at the 4-way stop sign, turn right onto 14th Avenue. Follow approximately 1/2 mile. The entrance is after the trestle on the left.
From I-5 southbound: take Exit #109 to College Street, head south, cross Pacific Avenue, cross Lacey Boulevard, turn right onto 14th Avenue. Follow approximately 1 mile. The entrance is after the trestle on the left.
Questions: (360) 455-5282. runner@runoly.com
More info on trails: http://www.co.thurston.wa.us/parks/trails-chehalis-western.htm
If you could send the following information in by email (runner@runoly.com) before the race that would be great for planning purposes, but if you don't get around to it you can just show up on race day as well.
Team name and/or school: _____________________________
Names 1) _________________________ phone number: __________________________
2) _________________________ phone number: __________________________
3) _________________________ phone number: __________________________
4) _________________________ phone number: __________________________

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