February 1st (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/10k/20k9:00 AM. $35. 

February 1st (Sat) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Winter Family Running. Meet at LBA Park main parking lot at 9:00 AM. Contact Jenn for more information.

February 9th (Sun) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Winter Family Running. Meet at LBA Park main parking lot at 11:30 AM. Contact Jenn for more information.

February 15th  (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Run Forest Run 50k/25k

February 16th (Sun) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Winter Family Running. Meet at LBA Park main parking lot at 11:30 AM. Contact Jenn for more information.

February16th  (Sun) -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 10k/Half Marathon. 9:00 AM.

February 23rd (Sun) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Winter Family Running. Meet at LBA Park main parking lot at 11:30 AM. Contact Jenn for more information.


January 4th  (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/10k. $35. 

January 11th (Sat) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Winter Family Running. Meet at LBA Park main parking lot at 9:00 AM. Contact Jenn for more information.

January 18th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Mega Fatass Ultramarathon 50k/25k

January 18th (Sat) -- Puyallup -- No Sun Fun Run 5k. 9:30 AM.

January 18th (Sat) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Winter Family Running. Meet at LBA Park main parking lot at 9:00 AM. Contact Jenn for more information.

January 27th (Sat) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Winter Family Running. Meet at LBA Park main parking lot at 9:00 AM. Contact Jenn for more information.

               2024 RACE RESULTS


December 1st (Sun) -- Shelton -- Race with inmates at the WCC prison in Shelton. Contact elhammargren@doc1.wa.gov for more information.

December 7th (Sat) -- St. Martin's University -- Jingle Bell Run 5k. 9:30 AM.

December 14th (Sat) -- Run All Day (RAD). Contact vleckjan@gmail.com for more information

December 14th (Sat) -- Squaxin Park, Olympia -- Saturnalia 10k2024 RESULTS.

December 21st  (Sat) -- South Sound Running, Olympia -- 15th Annual White Elephant Run 5.0 Mile2024 RESULTS2024 Pictures.


November 9th (Sat) -- Chehalis -- Willapa Valley Trail Festival 100 mile, 50 mile, 50k, 25k, 5k.

November 9th (Sat) -- Orting -- Turkey Trot 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon. 8:00 AM. $35-$45.

November 28th (Thur) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- 9th annual Thanksgiving Day RUN-dezvous 5k and 1 mile2024 RESULTS.

November 28th (Thur) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Oly Turkey Day 4-Miler. 8:35 AM. $40.

November18th-26th  -- McKenny trailhead, Olympia -- Less Turkey More Trot virtual 30k, 20k, or 10k.


October 2nd (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 2-mile youth cross-country raceRegister here if not on a Middle School/Club team2024 RESULTS.

October, 6th (Sun) - Ingersoll Stadium, OHS Olympia, WA - Pioneer PTA 5k & Fun Run. 8:30AM ($30 for 5k, free fun run)

October 6th (Sun) -- Shelton -- Shuck & Share 5k. 8:00 AM. $25

October 12th (Sat) -- Tacoma -- Fall Classic Invitational 5k XC. 9:15 AM. $15 ($5 kids' 1k at 9:00 AM).

October 18th (Fri) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Bruce Newman Memorial 1.5 Mile Youth XC Race2024 RESULTS.

October 26th (Sat) -- Fall Creek, Capitol Forest -- Scaryass 25K/14K/4K. 9:00 AM.


September 7th (Sat) -- Auburn -- Pacific Runderland 5k and 1k Kids Run. 9:00 AM. 

September 8th (Sun) -- Shelton -- Race with inmates at the WCC prison in Shelton. Contact elhammargren@doc1.wa.gov for more information. 

September 8th (Sun) --  Montesano -- Lake Sylvia Half Marathon, 10k, and 5k trail races. 8:00 AM. ($10-$20)

September 14th (Sat) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Olympia XC Invite community 2-mile race. 2023 RESULTS.

September 14th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Rock Candy Mountain 12 hour race.

September 14th (Sat) -- Lacey, RAC -- BK5k and 1k. 8:00 AM (<12 in Free, 13-17 $7, 18+ $17)

September 25th  (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- LBA 1 mile Youth XC race open. 5:00 PM. FREE. 2023 RESULTS.

September 29th (Sun) — Heritage Park, Olympia — Fall Frolic 5k, 5 mile, and free 1 mile kids race (<12 free). 8:45 AM.


August 3rd (Sat) -- Hoodsport -- Beast of Big Creek 14 mile and 5 mile

August 10th (Sat) -- Newcastle -- Cougar Mt. Trail Series #4 (5k, 14.5 mile, 26.2 mile).

August 10th (Sat) — Auburn — Paul Ruston Memorial 5k. $10. 9:00 AM.

August 14th (Wed) -- Yelm -- TSD Speed Night (track meet + 5000m under the lights). 6:00 PM, 9:00 PM 5k.

August 24th (Sat) -- Parkland --15th annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k. 9:30  AM. $15.

August 24th (Sat) -- Chehalis -- 16th annual Back to School Dash 5k. 9:00 AM.

JULY 2024

July 1st (Mon) -- Lacey to Yelm -- 4 Man/3 Bike Relay2024 RESULTS.

July 4th  (Thur) -- Steilacoom -- 35th annual Four on the Fourth.9:00 AM. $15/$5. 2023 RESULTS.

July 7th (Sun) -- Olympia -- Olympia Urban Adventure Tower Challenge.

July 14th   (Sun) -- Westport -- Run Like the Wind 5k/10k/Half Marathon2023 RESULTS.

July 20th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Lakefair 1/2 marathon, 8k, and 3k. 7:00 AM.

July 21st (Sun) -- Buckley -- B & O Half Marathon and 10k

JUNE 2024

June 1st (Sat) -- Shelton --  Goldsborough Creek 7 and 2 mile run/walk. 7:00 AM.

June 1st (Sat) -- Thurston County Fairgrounds, Lacey -- Lacey Rotary Duck Dash 5k. 11:30 AM. $25.

June 2nd (Sun) -- Roosevelt Elementary school, Olympia -- Roosevelt Ravens 5k and Free kids race. 8:30 AM.

June 2nd (Sun) -- Orting -- Foothills Dash 1 mile, 5k, 10k . 2023 RESULTS.

June 6th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #22024 RESULTS.

June 9th (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Roarin' & Soarin' Fun Run 5k and 2.5k2024 RESULTS.

June 13th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #3. 6:00 PM. 2024 RESULTS.

June 15th (Sat) – Tenino City Park, Tenino – Run 4 Rowyn 4k 

June 15th (Sat) -- South Bay Grange, Olympia -- Strawberry Short-K 5K2023 RESULTS.

June 20th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #4. 6:00 PM. 2024 RESULTS.

June 21st-22nd (Fri-Sat) -- Run All Night (RAN) group run (~30 miles, 5500' vertical). Potential route2023 RECAP. Contact vleckjan@gmail.com for more information.

June 23rd (Sun) -- Puyallup -- 5k for Today. $35. 12:00 PM (also virtual option).

June 23rd (Sun) -- Mima Falls Trailhead, Capitol Forest -- Forrest Run/Walk/Ride (5k-Marathon distances). 5:30 AM - 9:00 AM start times.

June  27th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #5. 6:00 PM. 2024 RESULTS.

June 29th  (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo SUMMER EDITION2024 RESULTS.

MAY 2024

May 1st (Wed) -- Olympia HS track -- Distance Medley Relay (1200m, 400m, 800m 1600m). 7:30 PM -- put together a 4-person team and show up at the track by about 7:15 PM (no pre-registration needed). Contact runner@runoly.com if you have more questions.

May 4th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 2nd Annual Paws 4 A Cause 1.5 mile walk/charity fundraiser for pet cancer and people cancer. 1:00 PM. $25.

May  12th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- 9th Annual Mother's Day 5k and kids run.

May 17th (Fri) -- Indian Summer GC, Olympia -- 1984 Olympia Marathon Trials Reunion Banquet. (Frank Shorter, Des Linden, Julie Brown, and Joan Benoit also in attendance). $75.

May 18th (Sat) -- Olympia -- 40th anniversary of 1st women's Olympic trials speakers, running with legends, and other activities. Throughout the day on Saturday (check out the link for free activities and panel discussions with running legends)

May 18th (Sat) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- Global 6K for waterCourse Map. 9:00 AM.

May 18th  (Sat)   -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Kids 1.2 Mile Kids Run. FREE! 4:00 PM.

May 19th  (Sun)  -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 5 mile.

May 19th (Sun) -- Steilacoom -- Steilacoom Kiwanis 5K Run/Walk. 9:00 AM. $10.

May 30th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #1. 6:00 PM. 2024 AC#1 RESULTS.

APRIL 2024

April 20th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Capitol Peak 50 mile/25k.

April 20th (Sat) -- Mclane Elementary School, Olympia -- Friendship Run 5k, 10k, and Free Kids Run. $15 adults, $10 kids.

April 21st (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k. $30. 9:00 AM.

MARCH 2024

March 9th (Sat) -- Olympia, LBA Park -- Little Backyard Adventure race (6 hour endurance race).

March 9th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Ninja 5k. 8:30 AM.

March 23rd (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/15k/30k9:00 AM. $35. 2023 RESULTS.

March 17th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum -- Donut Dash 5k. 9:00 AM. $30. Free kids race @ 8:45 AM. 2023 RESULTS

March 23rd (Sat) -- Orting -- Bunny Hop 5k, 10k, and 1/2 Marathon.

March 30th (Sat) -- Whidbey Island -- Whidbey Woods 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon.


February 11th (Sun) -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 10k/Half Marathon. 9:00 AM.

February 17th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 17th annual ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo2024 RESULTS2024 PHOTOS.

February  17th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Run Forest Run 50k/25k

February 24th (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/10k/20k9:00 AM. $35. 2022 RESULTS.


January 20th(Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Mega Fatass Ultramarathon 50k/25k

January 20th (Sat) -- Puyallup -- No Sun Fun Run 5k. 9:30 AM.

January 27th  (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/10k. $35.  2022 RESULTS.

January -- Anywhere, any time virtual race -- Race for Prevention: Human Trafficking AwarenessPlease reach out to me, shauna.ghorbani@rescue.org or Tabetha.Reynolds@rescue.org if you have any questions!

January  (Sat) -- Elma -- Run for Faith (& Food) 5k and 10k.



December 16th (Sat) -- Run All Day (RAD). Contact vleckjan@gmail.com for more information

December 16th (Sat) -- Squaxin Park, Olympia -- Saturnalia 10k. 2023 RESULTS.

December 23rd  (Sat) -- South Sound Running, Olympia -- 14th Annual White Elephant Run 5.0 Mile2023 RESULTS2023 PHOTOS #12023 PHOTOS #2.


November 11th  (Sat) -- Orting -- Turkey Trot 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon. 8:00 AM. $35-$45.

November 23rd  (Thur) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- 8th annual Thanksgiving Day RUN-dezvous 5k and 1 mile. 10:00 AM. $5 donation (all proceeds go the Thurston County Food Bank and the Union Gospel Mission). 2023 RESULTS.

November 23rd (Thur) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Oly Turkey Day 4-Miler. 8:35 AM. $45.

November 25th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Gobbler 5k, 10k, and 1/2 marathon. 8:00 AM. $30-$65.

November  -- McKenny trailhead, Olympia -- Less Turkey More Trot virtual 30k, 20k, or 10k.


October 5th (Thur) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Youth 1.0 Mile XC. 6:00 PM. Free.

October 7th (Sat) -- Tacoma -- Fall Classic Invitational 5k XC. 9:00 AM. $10.

October 8th (Sun) -- Shelton -- Shuck & Share 5kRESULTS. 8:00 AM. $25

October 14th (Sat) -- Port Townsend -- Larry Scott Trail Run 5k/10k/half marathon (paved trail). 8:30 AM

October 18th (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Bruce Newman Memorial 1.5 Mile Youth XC Race. 4:30 PM. FREE! 2023 RESULTS.

October 28th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Haunted 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon. 8:00 AM.


September 9th (Sat) -- Auburn -- Pacific Runderland 5k and 1k Kids Run. 9:00 AM. 

September 9th (Sat) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Olympia XC Invite community 2-mile race2023 RESULTS.

September 9th (Sat) -- Lacey, RAC -- BK5k and 1k. 8:00 AM (<12 Free, 13-17 $7, 18+ $17)

September 10th (Sun) --  Montesano -- Lake Sylvia Half Marathon, 10k, and 5k trail races. 8:00 AM. ($10-$20)

September 16th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Rock Candy Mountain 12 hour race.

September 20th (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- LBA 1 mile Youth XC race2023 RESULTS.


August 5th (Sat) -- Hoodsport -- Beast of Big Creek 14 mile and 5 mile

August 12 (Sat) -- Newcastle -- Cougar Mt. Trail Series #4 (5k, 14.5 mile, 26.2 mile).

August 19th (Sat) -- Parkland --14th annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k. 9:30  AM. $15.

August 26th (Sat) -- Chehalis -- 15th annual Back to School Dash 5k. 9:00 AM.

JULY 2023

July 1st  (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo SUMMER EDITION2023 RESULTS.

July 4th  (Mon) -- Steilacoom -- 34th annual Four on the Fourth.2023 RESULTS.

July 9th   (Sun) -- Westport -- Run Like the Wind 5k/10k/Half Marathon2023 RESULTS.

July 15th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Lakefair 1/2 marathon, 8k, and 3k. 7:00 AM.

July 22nd (Sat) -- Buckley -- B & O Half Marathon and 10k

JUNE 2023

June 1st (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #12023 AC#1 RESULTS.

June 3rd  (Sat) -- Harbor Church, Olympia -- Walk for Life Lemonade 5k. 9:00 AM

June 4th (Sun) -- Orting -- Foothills Dash 1 mile, 5k, 10k . 2023 RESULTS.

June 8th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #22023 AC#2 RESULTS.

June 11th (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Madison Mad Dash 5k and 2.5k2023 RESULTS.

June 15th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #32023 AC#3 RESULTS.

June 17th (Sat) – Tenino City Park, Tenino – Run 4 Rowyn 4k 

June 17th (Sat) -- South Bay Grange, Olympia -- Strawberry Short-K 5K2023 RESULTS.

June 22nd (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #42023 AC#4 RESULTSPHOTOS.

June 24th (Fri-Sat) -- Run All Night (RAN) group run. Route2023 RECAP.

June 25th (Sat) -- Puyallup -- 5k for Today. $35. 12:00 PM (also virtual option).

June 26th (Mon) -- 4 Man/3 Bike Relay2023 RESULTS.

June  29th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #52023 RESULTS.

MAY 2023

May 6th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 2nd Annual Paws 4 A Cause 1.5 mile walk/charity fundraiser for pet cancer and people cancer. 1:00 PM. $25.

May  14th (Sun)   Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- 9th Annual Mother's Day 5 and kids run.

May 20th (Sat) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- Global 6K for water. 9:00 AM.

May 20th  (Sat)   -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Kids 1.2 Mile Kids Run. FREE!

May 21st  (Sun)  -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 5 mile.

APRIL 2023
April 1st (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k. $30. 9:00 AM.

April 17th (Sun) -- Orting -- Bunny Hop 5k, 10k, and 1/2 Marathon2019 RESULTS.

April 22nd (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Capitol Peak 50 mile/25k.

April 22nd (Sat) -- Aberdeen -- Race for Recover 5k Run/Walk. 8:00 AM ($20 donation)

April 23rd (Sun) -- Mclane Elementary School, Olympia -- Friendship Run 5k, 10k, and Free Kids Run. $15 adults, $10 kids.

MARCH 2023

March 11th (Sat) -- Olympia, LBA Park -- Little Backyard Adventure race (6 hour endurance race).

March 25th (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/15k/30k9:00 AM. $35. 2023 RESULTS.

March 19th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum -- Donut Dash 5k. 9:00 AM. $30. Free kids race @ 8:45 AM. 2023 RESULTS


February 18th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 16th annual ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo2023 RESULTS2023 PICTURES.

February  18th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Run Forest Run 50k/25k

February 25th (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/10k/20k9:00 AM. $35. 2022 RESULTS.


January 28th  (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/10k. $35.  2022 RESULTS.

January 21st (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Mega Fatass Ultramarathon 50k/25k

January -- Anywhere, any time virtual race -- Race for Prevention: Human Trafficking AwarenessPlease reach out to me, shauna.ghorbani@rescue.org or Tabetha.Reynolds@rescue.org if you have any questions!

January  (Sat) -- Elma -- Run for Faith (& Food) 5k and 10k.



December 10th (Sat) -- St. Martin's University, Lacey -- Christmas Jingle Bell 5k Run2022 RESULTS.

December 10th (Sat) -- Run All Day on an unusual tour of the South Sound covering about 40 miles. Free. About 7AM - 5PM. For information, contact vleckjan@gmail.com

December 17th  (Sat) -- South Sound Running, Olympia -- 13th Annual White Elephant Run 5.0 Mile2022 RESULTS.


November 12th  (Sat) -- Orting -- Turkey Trot 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon. 8:00 AM. $35-$45.

November 24th  (Thur) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- 7th annual Thanksgiving Day RUN-dezvous 5k and 1 mile. 10:00 AM. $5 donation (all proceeds go the Thurston County Food Bank and the Union Gospel Mission). 2022 RESULTS.

November 24th (Thur) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Oly Turkey Day 4-Miler. 8:35 AM. $45.

November 19th-27th -- McKenny trailhead, Olympia -- Less Turkey More Trot virtual 30k, 20k, or 10k.


October 6th (Thur) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.0 Mile Youth XC race2022 RESULTS.

October 8th (Sat) -- Tacoma -- Fall Classic Invitational 5k XC. 9:00 AM. $10.

October 27th  (Thur) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Bruce Newman Memorial 1.5 Mile Youth XC Race. 5:00 PM. FREE! 2022 RESULTS.

October   (Sat) -- St. Martins University -- Bill Kehoe/South Sound Invitational Cross-country Community 5k. $20. 9:00 AM

October  (Sat) -- Port Townsend -- Larry Scott Trail Run 5k/10k/half marathon (paved trail). 8:30 AM

October  (Sun) -- Shelton -- Shuck & Share 5kRESULTS. 8:00 AM. $25

October (Sat) -- Centralia -- Centralia College Zombie 5K Fun Run/Walk (Facebook page). 10:00 AM.  $25 Adults, $15 Students (w/ ID), $60 Family of 4 (max 8 ppl). $5 per person after 4 ppl,  Kids under 5 are free. Race Day registration available.. $5 more

October  (Thur) -- Shelton -- Huff N Puff 2 mile footrace (Grades 3-8).


September 10th  (Sat) -- Auburn -- Pacific Runderland 5k and 1k Kids Run. 9:00 AM. 

September 10th  (Sat) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Olympia XC Invite community 2-mile race. 9:30 AM. Free.

September 18th (Sun) --  Montesano -- Lake Sylvia Half Marathon, 10k, and 5k trail races. 8:00 AM. ($10-$20)

September 21st (Wed)  -- St. Martin's College, Lacey -- 1.5 mile youth and Middle school XC. 5:20 PM. Free.

September 24th (Sat) -- Thrive Community Fitness, Lacey -- Cornerstone Foundation of Washington "Back to School" 5K Run/Walk.

September   (Sat) -- Centralia -- Knights Day Run 5k and 1 mile. 9:00 AM. $25/$15.

September  (Sat) -- Chehalis -- Willipa Hills Trail Run 1/2 marathon and 10k. 8:00 AM. $40. 

September  (Sun) -- Chehalis Western Trail -- Sporty Diva Bad Azz 5 mile,13.1, 26.2, and 50k.

September (Sun) -- Washington Correctional Center, Shelton -- 1/2 Marathon Race with Inmates. Free. Contact elhammargren@DOC1.WA.GOV for details.

September (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Nerd Herd 5k Run CFD. 10:OO AM (Benefits Homeless Backpacks Charity)

September (Sun) -- Komachin Middle School, Lacey -- Healthy Kids Running Series (50 yards - 1 mile). $10. 3:30 PM (See website for series information)


August 6th (Sat) -- Kennedy Creek -- Chum Run 5k/10k/13.1. 9:00 AM

August 6th  (Sat) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Olympia's Backyard Adventure (3.6, 11, or 18 mile trail races). $25-$35. 8:00 AM.

August 13th (Sat) -- Lacey, RAC -- BK5k and 1k. 8:00 AM (<12 Free, 13-17 $7, 18+ $17)

August 20th  (Sat) -- Parkland --13th annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k. 9:30  AM. $15.

August 27th (Sat) -- Chehalis -- 14th annual Back to School Dash 5k. 9:00 AM.

August (Sat) -- Lacey -- Run Like a Dog 5k.9:00 AM. 2018 RESULTS.

August  (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- Watermelon Rumble 5k and 10k. 8:30 AM. 

August  (Sat) -- Tumwater Brewery, Tumwater -- Tumwater Dance Team 5k. 9:30 AM.

August  (Sat) -- Shelton -- Beast of Big Creek 21k and 7 mile2017 RESULTS.

August  (Sat) -- Issaqua -- Crush the Hill 5k.

JULY 2022

July 4th  (Mon) -- Steilacoom -- 33rd annual Four on the Fourth.9:00 AM. $15 (4 mile), $5 (1 mile).

July 10th  (Sun) -- Westport -- 4th annual Run Like the Wind 5k/10k/Half Marathon 9:00 AM.

July 16th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Lakefair 1/2 marathon, 8k, and 3k. 7:00 AM.

July 23rd  (Sat) -- Buckley -- B & O Half Marathon and 10k

JUNE 2022

June 2nd (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #12022 AC#1 MEET RESULTS PDF.

June  4th (Sat) -- Harbor Church, Olympia -- Walk for Life Lemonade 5k. 9:00 AM

June 4th (Sat) - Swede Hall, Rochester - 2nd Annual Rochester Youth Dynamics 5K Run/Walk - $20 entry fee - Race begins at 9am.

June 5th (Sun) -- TBA -- Start to Finish 5k. 9:15 AM

June 9th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #22022 AC #2 RESULTS.

June 12th (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Madison Mad Dash 5k and 2.5k2022 RESULTS.

June 16th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #32022 AC #3 RESULTS.

June 18th  (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo SUMMER EDITION2022 RESULTS.

June  18th (Sat) -- South Bay Grange, Lacey -- Strawberry Short-K (5k). 8:00 AM. $20 ($10 18 and under)

June 23rd (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #42022 AC #4 RESULTS

June 25th (Sat) -- Virtual (wherever convenient) -- Reality Sports Run for the Gospel 5K

June  30th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #5. 2022 AC #5 RESULTS.

June (Sat) -- Chehalis-Centralia Airport -- Leap the Levee 5 Run/Walk. 9:00 AM. $20.

MAY 2022

May 8th (Sun)   Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- 8th Annual Mother's Day 5 and kids run.

May 14th  (Sat)   -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Kids 1.2 Mile Kids Run. FREE! (Virtual Race)

May 15th  (Sun)  -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 5 mile. (Virtual Race)

May 21st (Sat) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- Global 6K for water.

APRIL 2022 

April 2nd (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k.

April 17th (Sun) -- Orting -- Bunny Hop 5k, 10k, and 1/2 Marathon2019 RESULTS.

April 23rd (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Capitol Peak 50 mile/25k.

April 23rd  (Sat) -- Orting -- Foothills Dash 1 mile, 5k, 10k .

April 24th  (Sun) -- Mclane Elementary School, Olympia -- Friendship Run 5k, 10k, and Free Kids Run. $15 adults, $10 kids.

April (Sat) -- Shelton -- Harstine Island 1/2 Marathon and 2.22 mile race. 8:00 AM. $43/$23. 2019 RESULTS.

April (Sun) -- Orting -- Sporty Diva 6.55 mile, 13.1 mile and 26.2 Mile.

April (Sat) -- Mt. View Church, Tumwater -- Race Against Trafficking 5k. $29. 9:00 AM. 2018 RESULTS.

April (Sat) -- Firecreek Ale House, Lacey -- Will Run for Thurston County Food Bank. 8:00 AM. $10 Suggested donation.

April (Sat) -- Adna -- Back Park Pirate Race and Seadog Dash 5k and 1/4 mile kids race. $10 ($25 for 4 family members). 10:30 AM.

April  (Fri) -- North Thurston High School, Lacey -- 3rd-8th grade Ram Track & Field camp. $40. 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

MARCH 2022

March 19th (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/20k/20mile9:00 AM. $25. 2019 RESULTS.

March 13th  (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum -- Donut Dash 5k. 9:00 AM. $30. Free kids race @ 8:45 AM. 2019 RESULTS.

March 26th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k. $30. 9:00 AM.

March  (Sun) -- Washington Correctional Center, Shelton -- WCC Running Group 10k Race. 2020 RESULTS.

March  (Sat) -- Dupont -- Dupont Trail Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 12K. $40-65. 2019 RESULTS.

March (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Hillbilly 1/2 Marathon and Mt. Marathon.


February 19th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 15th annual ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo2022 RESULTS.
February 19th  (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Run Forest Run 50k/25k
February 26th (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 15k/15mile9:00 AM. $25. 2022 RESULTS.

February  (Sat) -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 1/2 Marathon and 10k. 9:00 AM. $30/$40. 2020 RESULTS.


January 8th  (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/5mile.  2022 RESULTS.

January 23rd  (Sun) -- Capitol Forest -- Mega Fatass Ultramarathon

January  29th (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 10k/10mile2022 RESULTS.

January  (Sat) -- Elma -- Run for Faith (& Food) 5k and 10k.



December 4th (Sat) -- Post Office Park, Shelton -- Mistletoe Mile. $10 (18 and under free). 4:00 PM.

December 18th (Sat) -- South Sound Running, Olympia -- 12th Annual White Elephant Run 5.0 Mile2021 RESULTS.

December 18th (Sat) -- Starting near Lacey Fred Meyer -- RAD (Run All Day through Lacey Parks covering about 41 miles). Free. 7:52 AM - 4:23 PM

December 19th (Sun) -- Port Orchard -- Yukon Do It Winter Edition Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, 10k, 5k. 8:00 AM

December   (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Porter Creek Trail Runs 5k, 10 mile, 25k. 8:30 AM.


November13th   (Sat) -- Orting -- Turkey Trot 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon. 8:00 AM. $35-$45.

November 19th-28th -- McKenny trailhead, Olympia -- Less Turkey More Trot virtual 30k, 20k, or 10k.

November 25th (Thur) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- RUN-dezvous Thanksgiving 5k and 1 mile2021 RESULTS.


October 6th (Wed)  -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.0 Mile Youth X-C2021 RESULTS.

October 9th  (Sat) -- St. Martins University -- Bill Kehoe/South Sound Invitational Cross-country Community 5k. $20. 9:00 AM

October 16th (Sat) -- Port Townsend -- Larry Scott Trail Run 5k/10k/half marathon (paved trail). 8:30 AM

October 28th (Thur) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Bruce Newman Memorial 1.5 Mile Youth XC Race. 5:00 PM. FREE! 2021 RESULTS2021 VIDEO

October  (Sun) -- Shelton -- Shuck & Share 5kRESULTS. 8:00 AM. $25

October (Sat) -- Centralia -- Centralia College Zombie 5K Fun Run/Walk (Facebook page). 10:00 AM.  $25 Adults, $15 Students (w/ ID), $60 Family of 4 (max 8 ppl). $5 per person after 4 ppl,  Kids under 5 are free. Race Day registration available.. $5 more

October  (Thur) -- Shelton -- Huff N Puff 2 mile footrace (Grades 3-8).


September 8th (Wed)  -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.0 Mile Youth X-C2021 RESULTS.

September 11th (Sat) -- Auburn -- 3rd annual Pacific Runderland 5k and 1k Kids Run. 9:00 AM. 

September 11th (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Capital Invite Cross-Country Citizen's race 2.33 miles. 9:15 AM. $10.

September  25th (Sat) -- Centralia -- 2nd annual Knights Day Run 5k and 1 mile. 9:00 AM. $25/$15.

September 25th (Sat) -- Chehalis -- Willipa Hills Trail Run 1/2 marathon and 10k. 8:00 AM. $40. 

September  (Sun) -- Chehalis Western Trail -- Sporty Diva Bad Azz 5 mile,13.1, 26.2, and 50k.

September (Sun) -- Washington Correctional Center, Shelton -- 1/2 Marathon Race with Inmates. Free. Contact elhammargren@DOC1.WA.GOV for details.

September (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Nerd Herd 5k Run CFD. 10:OO AM (Benefits Homeless Backpacks Charity)

September (Sun) -- Komachin Middle School, Lacey -- Healthy Kids Running Series (50 yards - 1 mile). $10. 3:30 PM (See website for series information)


August 21st  (Sat) -- Parkland --12th annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k. 9:30  AM. $15.

August (Sat) -- Lacey -- Run Like a Dog 5k.9:00 AM. 2018 RESULTS.

August  (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- Watermelon Rumble 5k and 10k. 8:30 AM. 

August  (Sat) -- Tumwater Brewery, Tumwater -- Tumwater Dance Team 5k. 9:30 AM.

August  (Sat) -- Shelton -- Beast of Big Creek 21k and 7 mile2017 RESULTS.

August  (Sat) -- Issaqua -- Crush the Hill 5k.

JULY 2021

July 17th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Lakefair 1/2 marathon, 8k, and 3k. 7:00 AM.

July 17th  (Sat) -- Buckley -- B & O Half Marathon and 10k

July 31st  (Sat) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Olympia's Backyard Adventure (3.6, 11, or 18 mile trail races). $25-$35. 8:00 AM.

July  (Thur) -- Capitol campus, Olympia -- Firecracker 5k2018 RESULTS.

July  (Thur) -- Steilacoom -- 31st annual Four on the Fourth.9:00 AM. $15 (4 mile), $5 (1 mile). 2018 RESULTS.

July  (Thur) -- Tumwater Valley Golf Course, Tumwater -- Fairways and Fireworks Fore on the Fourth 4 mile.

July  (Sun) -- Westport -- 3rd annual Run Like the Wind 5k/10k/Half Marathon 9:00 AM. $40-75.

July   (Fri) -- RAC, Lacey -- Glow Run 5k and kids race. 8:00 PM kids race and 9:00 PM 5k.

JUNE 2021

June 3rd (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #22021 AC #2 RESULTS

June 5th (Sat) -- Shelton -- Run the Ridge 5k and 10k -- A Kristi Armstrong memorial event. 7:00 AM.

June 10th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #32021 AC #3 RESULTS.

June 17th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #42021 AC #4 RESULTS.

June 24th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #52021 AC #5 RESULTS.

June 26th  (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo SUMMER EDITION. 2021 RESULTS.

June 26th (Sat) -- Harbor Church, Olympia -- Walk for Life 5k. 9:00 AM

June (Sat) -- Roosevelt Elementary, Olympia -- Roosevelt Roadrunner 5k.

June (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Madison Mad Dash 5k and 2.5k2019 RESULTS.

June  (Sat) -- South Bay Grange, Lacey -- Strawberry Short-K (5k)2019 RESULTS.

June (Sat) -- Chehalis-Centralia Airport -- Leap the Levee 5 Run/Walk. 9:00 AM. $20.

MAY 2021

May 3-9 (virtual event) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- 7th Annual Mother's Day 5 and kids run.

May 15th (Sat) - Rochester - Youth Dynamics Fun Run 2021 5K. $20.

May 15th (Saturday virtual event)   -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Kids 1.2 Mile Kids Run. FREE! (Virtual Race)

May 16th (Sunday virtual event)  -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 5 mile. (Virtual Race)

May 27th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet #1. 6:00 PM. 2021 RESULTS.


February 6th  (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 14th annual ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo2021 RESULTS.

February 20th (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 15k/15mile2020 RESULTS.

February  (Sat) -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 1/2 Marathon and 10k. 9:00 AM. $30/$40. 2020 RESULTS.

February  (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- 6th annual Valentines Day 5K. 9:00 AM. $25. 2020 RESULTS.

February  (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Run Forest Run 50k/25k


January 1st   (Fri) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/5mile2021 RESULTS.

January 23rd  (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 10k/10mile

January  (Sat) -- Elma -- Run for Faith (& Food) 5k and 10k.

January  (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Mega Fatass Ultramarathon               



December 19th (Sat) -- South Sound Running, Olympia -- 11th Annual White Elephant Run 5.0 Mile. Yes, a real FREE race that you may run in small groups any time.

December (Sun) -- Washington Correctional Center, Shelton -- 5k Race with Inmates. Free. Contact elhammargren@DOC1.WA.GOV for details and entry.

December (Sat) -- Shelton -- Missile Toe Mile. 4:00 PM. $5 (free for 14 and under). 2019 RESULTS.

December  (Sat) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- RUN-dezvous 5k and 1 mile. 10:00 AM. $5. 2019 RESULTS.

December  (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Porter Creek Trail Runs 5k, 10 mile, 25k. 8:30 AM.

December (Sun) -- RAC, Lacey -- Reindeer Run 5k and kids run. 9:00 AM. $30 (Free kids run)


November 6th (Fri) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 5k cross-country race. Free. 4:30 PM.

November 21st-29th -- Capitol Forest -- Less Turkey More Trot 10k, 20k, or 30k. $20. 

November   (Sat) -- Orting -- Turkey Trot 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon (virutal race). 8:00 AM. $35-$45.

November  (Sat) -- Puddle Jump for the Arts 5k/10K Run/Walk/Stroll.9:30 AM. $35 (12 and under Free!)

November  (Thur) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Oly Trot 4 mile. 9:00 AM. 2019 RESULTS.


October 2nd (Fri) -- Tumwater Hill Elementary School. Informal 5k and 1 mile XC race #4. 5:30 PM.

Fri, October 9th (Fri)  -- LBA Park, Olympia. Relay race at LBA park (1-3 miles) @ 5:00 PM

Fri, October 16th (Fri) -- LBA Park, Olympia. 1 mile (5:00 PM) and 5k (5:20 PM) at LBA park

October 17th (Sat) -- Port Townsend -- Larry Scott Trail 5k/10k/Half Marathon (virtual race). 8:30 AM. $25.

October 30th (Fri) -- Olympia High School track -- 3200m track race. 3:30 PM.

October 30th (Fri) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Bruce Newman Memorial 1.5 Mile Youth XC Race. 5:00 PM. FREE! 2020 RESULTS.

October 4th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 2nd Annual Thin Mint Sprint 5k run/walk. 9:30 AM. $20. 2019 RESULTS.

October 4th  (Sat) -- Shelton -- Shuck & Share 5kRESULTS. 8:00 AM. $25

October  (Sat) -- St. Martins University -- Bill Kehoe/South Sound Invitational Cross-country Community 5k2019 RESULTS.

October (Sun) -- Komachin Middle School, Lacey -- Healthy Kids Running Series (50 yards - 1 mile). $10. 3:30 PM (See website for series information)

October (Sat) -- Centralia -- Centralia College Zombie 5K Fun Run/Walk (Facebook page). 10:00 AM.  $25 Adults, $15 Students (w/ ID), $60 Family of 4 (max 8 ppl). $5 per person after 4 ppl,  Kids under 5 are free. Race Day registration available.. $5 more

October  (Sun) -- Komachin Middle School, Lacey -- Healthy Kids Running Series (50 yards - 1 mile). $10. 3:30 PM (See website for series information)

October (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- 6th annual Spooktacular 5k Sprint. 2019 RESULTS.

October  (Thur) -- Shelton -- Huff N Puff 2 mile footrace (Grades 3-8).


September 4th (Fri) -- Olympia High School track, Olympia. Informal 5k XC race #1. 5:00 PM. Free.

September 18th (Fri) -- LBA Park, Olympia. Informal 5k XC race #2. 5:00 PM. Free.

September 26th (Fri) -- LBA Park, Olympia. Informal 5k and 1 mile XC race #3. 5:00 PM 1 mile, 5:20 PM 5k. Free.

September   (Sun) -- Chehalis Western Trail -- Sporty Diva Bad Azz 5 mile,13.1, 26.2, and 50k.

September   (Mon) -- Chambers Creek neighborhood, Olympia -- 7th Annual Chambers Creek Crossing 1 mile kids race2019 RESULTS.

September 12th (Sat) -- Auburn -- Virtual Pacific Runderland 10k/5k and 1k Kids Run . $45. 2019 RESULTS.

September 26th (Sat) -- Rock Candy Mountain, Capitol Forest -- Rock Candy Mountain Run 10k, 30k, 50k

September  (Sun) -- Washington Correctional Center, Shelton -- 1/2 Marathon Race with Inmates. Free. Contact elhammargren@DOC1.WA.GOV for details.

September  (Tue)  -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.0 Mile Youth X-C2019 RESULTS.

September (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Capital Invite Cross-Country Citizen's race 2.33 miles. 9:15 AM. $10.

September  (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Nerd Herd 5k Run CFD. 10:OO AM (Benefits Homeless Backpacks Charity)

September  (Sat) -- Centralia -- 1st annual Knights Day Run 5k and 1 mile. 9:00 AM. $25.

September  (Sun) -- Komachin Middle School, Lacey -- Healthy Kids Running Series (50 yards - 1 mile). $10. 3:30 PM (See website for series information)

September  (Sat) -- Downtown Olympia -- Peace on the Move 5k. 7:30 AM. $30.

September  (Sun) -- Komachin Middle School, Lacey -- Healthy Kids Running Series (50 yards - 1 mile). $10. 3:30 PM (See website for series information)

September  (Wed)  -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.0 Mile Youth X-C2019 RESULTS.

September  (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia, -- Kokua's 5k Poker Fun Run. 10:00 AM. $30.

September  (Sun) -- Komachin Middle School, Lacey -- Healthy Kids Running Series (50 yards - 1 mile). $10. 3:30 PM (See website for series information)


August (Sat) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Olympia's Backyard Adventure (3.6, 11, or 18 mile trail races). $25-$35. 8:00 AM.

August (Sat) -- Lacey -- Run Like a Dog 5k.9:00 AM. 2018 RESULTS.

August 22nd (Sat) -- Parkland --12th annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k. 9:30  AM. $15. 2019 RESULTS.

August (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- Watermelon Rumble 5k and 10k. 8:30 AM. 

August (Sat) -- Tumwater Brewery, Tumwater -- Tumwater Dance Team 5k. 9:30 AM.

August  (Sat) -- Shelton -- Beast of Big Creek 21k and 7 mile. 2017 RESULTS.

August  (Sat) -- Issaqua -- Crush the Hill 5k.

JULY 2020

July 2nd (Thur)  -- Ingersoll Stadium, Olympia High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 6:00 PM.

July 4th (Sat) -- Capitol campus, Olympia -- Firecracker 5k2018 RESULTS.

July 4th (Sat) -- Steilacoom -- 32nd annual Four on the Fourth.9:00 AM. $15 (4 mile), $5 (1 mile). 2019 RESULTS.

July 4th (Sat) -- Tumwater Valley Golf Course, Tumwater -- Fairways and Fireworks Fore on the Fourth 4 mile.

July 12th (Sun) -- Westport -- 4th annual Run Like the Wind 5k/10k/Half Marathon 9:00 AM. $40-75.

July 18th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Lakefair 1/2 marathon, 8k, and 3k. 7:00 AM.

July 18th (Sat) -- Buckley -- B & O Half Marathon and 10k

July 26th (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Beat Beethoven's 5th 5k and summer concert. 7:00 PM. $35.

July (Fri) -- RAC, Lacey -- Glow Run 5k and kids race. 8:00 PM kids race and 9:00 PM 5k.

JUNE 2020

June 6th (Sat) -- Roosevelt Elementary, Olympia -- 7th Annual Roosevelt Roadrunner 5k2019 RESULTS.

June (Sat) -- Shelton -- Goldsborough Creek Run/Walk (7 mile, 2 mile, 1/4 mile kids race, 1/4 senior walk). 7:00 AM. $25. 2019 REGISTRATION LINK.

June 6th (Sat) -- Sub Black Hills, Olympia -- Wild Kaiser trail 1/2 marathon and marathon. $50/$75.

June 7th (Sun) -- Port Angeles -- North Olympic Discovery Marathon (5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon, Marathon Relay, Walk). 7:30 AM.

June 4th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet2019 AC #2 RESULTS.

June 14th (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Madison Mad Dash 5k and 2.5k. 8:30 AM. $20 DOR. 2019 RESULTS.

June 11th (Thur) -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet2019 AC #3 RESULTS.

June (Sat) -- South Bay Grange, Lacey -- Strawberry Short-K (5k)2019 RESULTS.

June (Sat) -- Chehalis-Centralia Airport -- Leap the Levee 5 Run/Walk. 9:00 AM. $20.

June 18th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet2019 AC #4 RESULTS.

June 25th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet2019 AC #5 RESULTS.

June 27th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo SUMMER EDITION2020 SUMMER EDITION RESULTS.

MAY 2020

May 3rd (Sat) -- Medina -- RGI 5k RUN. $35. 9:30 AM.

May 10th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- 6th Annual Mother's Day 5 and kids run. 8:30 AM. $35 adult, $10 youth, Free 1 mile kids run

May 16th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Kids 1.2 Mile Kids Run. 4:00 PM. FREE!

May 17th (Sun) -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 5 mile2019 RESULTS

May 17th (Sun) -- Orting -- 5k for the Fallen. $40 (Free 1/4 kids dash). 9:00 AM. 

May 31st (Sun) -- Washington Correctional Center, Shelton -- 7 mile, 2 mile, or15k Race with Inmates. Free. Contact elhammargren@DOC1.WA.GOV for details and entry.

May (Fri) -- St. Martin's University, Lacey -- It's On Us 5k Run/Walk. $15. 9:00 AM.

May (Sat) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- Global 6k run/walk for World Vision. 9:00 AM. $50 Donation. 6K course map.

May (Sat) -- Capitol Building, Olympia -- 33rd Annual YMCA Spring Run 10k/2 mile and Kids run. $32. 8:30 AM. 2018 RESULTS.

APRIL 2020

April 4th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k. $30. 9:00 AM.

April 4th (Sat) -- Shelton -- Harstine Island 1/2 Marathon and 2.22 mile race. 8:00 AM. $43/$23. 2019 RESULTS.

April 12th (Sun) -- Orting -- Sporty Diva 6.55 mile, 13.1 mile and 26.2 Mile.

April 25th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Capitol Peak 50 mile/25k.

April 25th (Sat) -- Mt. View Church, Tumwater -- Race Against Trafficking 5k. $29. 9:00 AM. 2018 RESULTS.

April (Sat) -- Firecreek Ale House, Lacey -- Will Run for Thurston County Food Bank. 8:00 AM. $10 Suggested donation.

April (Sat) -- Adna -- Back Park Pirate Race and Seadog Dash 5k and 1/4 mile kids race. $10 ($25 for 4 family members). 10:30 AM.

April  (Fri) -- North Thurston High School, Lacey -- 3rd-8th grade Ram Track & Field camp. $40. 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

MARCH 2020

March 1st (Sun) -- Washington Correctional Center, Shelton -- WCC Running Group 10k Race. 2020 RESULTS.

March 7th (Sat) -- Dupont -- Dupont Trail Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 12K. $40-65. 2019 RESULTS.

March 7th  (Sat) -- Orting -- Foothills Dash 1 mile, 5k, 10k . 9:00 AM. 2019 RESULTS.

March 15th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum -- Donut Dash 5k. 8:15 AM. 2019 RESULTS.

March 21st (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/20k/20mile2019 RESULTS.

March 28th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Hillbilly 1/2 Marathon and Mt. Marathon.

March 28th (Sat) -- Orting -- Bunny Hop 5k, 10k, and 1/2 Marathon2019 RESULTS.

March 29th (Sun) -- Mclane Elementary School, Olympia -- Friendship Run 5k, 10k, and Free Kids Run. 8:00 AM. RESULTS.


February 1st (Sat) -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 1/2 Marathon and 10k. 9:00 AM. $30/$40. 2020 RESULTS.

February 8th (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- 6th annual Valentines Day 5K. 9:00 AM. $25. 2020 RESULTS.

February 15th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Run Forest Run 50k/25k

February 15th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 13th annual ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo. $15 Solo/$25 Team. Free Kids 1/2 mile and 1.5 mile races. 9:30 AM. 2020 RESULTS.

February 22nd (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 15k/15mile. 9:00 AM. $22. 2020 RESULTS.


January 4th  (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/5mile2020 RESULTS.

January 11th (Sat) -- Elma -- Run for Faith (& Food) 5k and 10k.

January 18th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Mega Fatass Ultramarathon

January 25th  (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 10k/10mile2018 RESULTS.            

               2019 RACE RESULTS


December 1st (Sun) -- Washington Correctional Center, Shelton -- 5k Race with Inmates. Free. Contact elhammargren@DOC1.WA.GOV for details and entry.

December 7th (Sat) -- Shelton -- Missile Toe Mile. 4:00 PM. $5 (free for 14 and under). 2019 RESULTS.

December 7th  (Sat) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- RUN-dezvous 5k and 1 mile. 10:00 AM. $5. 2019 RESULTS.

December 14th  (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Porter Creek Trail Runs 5k, 10 mile, 25k. 8:30 AM.

December 15th (Sun) -- RAC, Lacey -- Reindeer Run 5k and kids run. 9:00 AM. $30 (Free kids run)

December 21st  (Sat) -- South Sound Running, Olympia -- 10th Annual White Elephant Run 5.0 Mile. 9:00 AM. $5. 2019 RESULTS.


November 9th (Sat) -- Puddle Jump for the Arts 5k/10K Run/Walk/Stroll.9:30 AM. $35 (12 and under Free!)

November 16th  (Sat) -- Orting -- Turkey Trot 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon. 8:00 AM. $35-$45.

November 22nd (Thur) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Oly Trot 4 mile. 9:00 AM. 2019 RESULTS.

November (Sat) -- Capitol Lake, Olympia -- 5k Poker Run/Walk/Roll.

November (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Seal a Meal 5k.


October 6th  (Sun) -- Shelton -- Shuck & Share 5kRESULTS. 8:00 AM. $25

October 12th  (Sat) -- St. Martins University -- Bill Kehoe/South Sound Invitational Cross-country Community 5k2019 RESULTS.

October 13th (Sun) -- Komachin Middle School, Lacey -- Healthy Kids Running Series (50 yards - 1 mile). $10. 3:30 PM (See website for series information)

October 19th (Sat) -- Centralia -- Centralia College Zombie 5K Fun Run/Walk (Facebook page). 10:00 AM.  $25 Adults, $15 Students (w/ ID), $60 Family of 4 (max 8 ppl). $5 per person after 4 ppl,  Kids under 5 are free. Race Day registration available.. $5 more

October 20th (Sun) -- Komachin Middle School, Lacey -- Healthy Kids Running Series (50 yards - 1 mile). $10. 3:30 PM (See website for series information)

October 23rd (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Bruce Newman Memorial 1.5 Mile Youth XC Race. 5:00 PM. FREE! 2019 RESULTS.

October 26th (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- 6th annual Spooktacular 5k Sprint. 2019 RESULTS.

October  (Thur) -- Shelton -- Huff N Puff 2 mile footrace (Grades 3-8).


September 1st  (Sun) -- Chehalis Western Trail -- Sporty Diva Bad Azz 5 mile,13.1, 26.2, and 50k.

September 2nd  (Mon) -- Chambers Creek neighborhood, Olympia -- 6th Annual Chambers Creek Crossing 1 mile kids race2019 RESULTS.

September 7th (Sat) -- Auburn -- Pacific Runderland 5k and 1k Kids Run. $25. 9:00 AM.  

September 8th (Sun) -- Washington Correctional Center, Shelton -- 1/2 Marathon Race with Inmates. Free. Contact elhammargren@DOC1.WA.GOV for details.

September 10th (Tue)  -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.0 Mile Youth X-C2019 RESULTS.

September 14th (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Capital Invite Cross-Country Citizen's race 2.33 miles. 9:15 AM. $10.

September 14th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Nerd Herd 5k Run CFD. 10:OO AM (Benefits Homeless Backpacks Charity)

September 14th (Sat) -- Centralia -- 1st annual Knights Day Run 5k and 1 mile. 9:00 AM. $25.

September 15th (Sun) -- Komachin Middle School, Lacey -- Healthy Kids Running Series (50 yards - 1 mile). $10. 3:30 PM (See website for series information)

September 21st (Sat) -- Downtown Olympia -- Peace on the Move 5k. 7:30 AM. $30.

September 22nd (Sun) -- Komachin Middle School, Lacey -- Healthy Kids Running Series (50 yards - 1 mile). $10. 3:30 PM (See website for series information)

September 25th (Wed)  -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.0 Mile Youth X-C2019 RESULTS.

September 28th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia, -- Kokua's 5k Poker Fun Run. 10:00 AM. $30.

September 29th (Sun) -- Komachin Middle School, Lacey -- Healthy Kids Running Series (50 yards - 1 mile). $10. 3:30 PM (See website for series information)


August 1st (Thur) -- Emerald Isle, North Carolina -- Price is Right 5k. 9:30 AM. Free!

August 10th (Sat) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Olympia's Backyard Adventure (3.6, 11, or 18 mile trail races). $25-$35. 8:00 AM.

August 17th (Sat) -- Lacey -- Run Like a Dog 5k.9:00 AM. 2018 RESULTS.

August 24th (Sat) -- Parkland --11th annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k. 9:30  AM. $15. 2018 RESULTS.
August 24th (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- Watermelon Rumble 5k and 10k. 8:30 AM. 

August 24th (Sat) -- Tumwater Brewery, Tumwater -- Tumwater Dance Team 5k. 9:30 AM.

August  (Sat) -- Shelton -- Beast of Big Creek 21k and 7 mile2017 RESULTS.

August  (Sat) -- Issaqua -- Crush the Hill 5k.

JULY 2019

July 4th (Thur) -- Capitol campus, Olympia -- Firecracker 5k2018 RESULTS.

July 4th (Thur) -- Steilacoom -- 31st annual Four on the Fourth.9:00 AM. $15 (4 mile), $5 (1 mile). 2018 RESULTS.

July 4th (Thur) -- Tumwater Valley Golf Course, Tumwater -- Fairways and Fireworks Fore on the Fourth 4 mile.

July 7th (Sun) -- Westport -- 3rd annual Run Like the Wind 5k/10k/Half Marathon 9:00 AM. $40-75.

July 20th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Lakefair 1/2 marathon, 8k, and 3k. 7:00 AM.

July 20th (Sat) -- Buckley -- B & O Half Marathon and 10k

July 26th  (Fri) -- RAC, Lacey -- Glow Run 5k and kids race. 8:00 PM kids race and 9:00 PM 5k.

JUNE 2019

June 1st (Sat) -- Roosevelt Elementary, Olympia -- 6th Annual Roosevelt Roadrunner 5k.

June 1st (Sat) -- Shelton -- Goldsborough Creek Run/Walk (7 mile, 2 mile, 1/4 mile kids race, 1/4 senior walk). 7:00 AM. $25. 2019 REGISTRATION LINK.

June 2nd (Sun) -- Washington Correctional Center, Shelton -- 15k Race with Inmates. Free. Contact elhammargren@DOC1.WA.GOV for details and entry.

June 6th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2019 AC #2 RESULTS.

June 9th (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Madison Mad Dash 5k and 2.5k. 2019 RESULTS.

June 13th (Thur) -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2019 AC #3 RESULTS.

June 15th  (Sat) -- South Bay Grange, Lacey -- Strawberry Short-K (5k). 2019 RESULTS.

June 15th (Sat) -- Chehalis-Centralia Airport -- Leap the Levee 5 Run/Walk. 9:00 AM. $20.

June 20th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2019 AC #4 RESULTS.

June 22nd (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo SUMMER EDITION. 2019 ROAD-odend-RUN SUMMER RESULTS.

June 27th (Thur)  -- Olympia HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet2019 AC #5 RESULTS.

MAY 2019

May 3rd (Fri) -- St. Martin's University, Lacey -- It's On Us 5k Run/Walk. $15. 9:00 AM.

May 4th (Sat) -- Capitol Building, Olympia -- 32nd Annual YMCA Spring Run 10k/2 mile and Kids run. $32. 8:30 AM. 2018 RESULTS.

May 4th (Sat) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- Global 6k run/walk for World Vision. 9:00 AM. $50 Donation. 6K course map.

May 12th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- 5th Annual Mother's Day 5 and kids run. 8:30 AM. $30 adult, $10 youth, Free 1 mile kids run

May 18th (Sat) -- Medina -- RGI 5k RUN. $35. 9:30 AM.

May 18th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Kids 1.2 Mile Kids Run. 4:00 PM. FREE!

May 19th (Sun) -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 5 mile2019 RESULTS

May 19th (Sun) -- Orting -- 5k for the Fallen. $40 (Free 1/4 kids dash). 9:00 AM. 

May 30th (Thur)  -- Ingersoll Stadium, Olympia High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 6:00 PM. 2019 AC #1 RESULTS.

APRIL 2019

April 5th (Fri) -- North Thurston High School, Lacey -- 3rd-8th grade Ram Track & Field camp. $40. 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

April 6th (Sat) -- Shelton -- Harstine Island 1/2 Marathon. 8:00 AM. $30. 2019 RESULTS.

April 6th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 1st annual Thin Mint Sprint 5k run/walk. 9:30 AM. $27.50. 2019 RESULTS.

April 6th (Sat) -- Firecreek Ale House, Lacey -- Will Run for Thurston County Food Bank. 8:00 AM. $10 Suggested donation.

April 13th (Sat) -- Adna -- Back Park Pirate Race and Seadog Dash 5k and 1/4 mile kids race. $10 ($25 for 4 family members). 10:30 AM.

April 21st (Sun) -- Orting -- Sporty Diva 6.55 mile, 13.1 mile and 26.2 Mile.

April 27th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Capitol Peak 50 mile/25k.

April 27th (Sat) -- Mt. View Church, Tumwater -- Race Against Trafficking 5k. $29. 9:00 AM. 2018 RESULTS.

MARCH 2019

March 2nd (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Hillbilly 1/2 Marathon and Mt. Marathon.

March 2nd (Sat) -- Orting -- Foothills Dash 1 mile, 5k, 10k . 2019 RESULTS.

March 3rd (Sun) -- Washington Correctional Center, Shelton -- WCC Running Group 10k Race. 2019 RESULTS.

March 9th (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- Valentine's Day 5K2019 RESULTS.

March 17th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum -- Donut Dash 5k2019 RESULTS.

March 23rd (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/20k/20mile2019 RESULTS.

March 24th (Sun) -- McClane Elementary, Olympia -- Friendship Run 5k, 10k, and kids raceRESULTS.

March 30th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k. $30. 9:00 AM. 2018 RESULTS.

March 30th (Sat) -- Orting -- Bunny Hop 5k, 10k, and 1/2 Marathon. 2019 RESULTS.


February 2nd (Sat) -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 1/2 Marathon and 10k. 9:00 AM. $30/$40. 2019 RESULTS.

February 16th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Run Forest Run 50k/25k

February 16th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 12th annual ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo. $15 Solo/$25 Team. Free Kids 1/2 mile and 1.5 mile races. 9:30 AM. 2019 RESULTS.

February 23rd (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 15k/15mile. 9:00 AM. $22.  2019 RESULTS.

February 23rd (Sat) -- Dupont -- Dupont Trail Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 12K2019 RESULTS.


January 5th  (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/5mile2018 RESULTS.

January 12th (Sat) -- Elma -- Run for Faith (& Food) 5k and 10k.

January 19th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Mega Fatass Ultramarathon

January 26th  (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 10k/10mile2018 RESULTS.

January (Sun) -- West Olympia Fire Station -- Brent Strong 5k Run/Walk. 10:00 AM. $13-$30. 



December 1st  (Sat) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- RUN-dezvous 5k and 1 mile2018 RESULTS.

December 15th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Porter Creek Trail Runs 5k, 10 mile, 25k. 8:30 AM.

December 16th (Sun) -- RAC, Lacey -- Reindeer Run 5k and kids run. 9:00 AM. $30 (Free kids run)

December 22nd (Sat) -- South Sound Running, Olympia -- 9th Annual White Elephant Run 5.0 Mile. 9:00 AM. $5. 2018 RESULTS.

December (Sat) -- Shelton -- Missile Toe Mile2017 RESULTS.


November 10th (Sat) -- Orting -- Turkey Trot 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon.

November 22nd (Thur) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Oly Trot 4 mile2018 RESULTS.

November (Sat) -- Capitol Lake, Olympia -- 5k Poker Run/Walk/Roll.

November (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Seal a Meal 5k.


October 3rd (Wed)  -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.0 Mile Youth X-C2018 RESULTS.

October 6th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Beat Beethoven's 5k Run & Walk. $35. 9:00 AM.

October 6th (Sat) -- St. Martins University -- Bill Kehoe/South Sound Invitational Cross-country Community 5k2018 RESULTS.

October 7th (Sun) -- Shelton -- Shuck & Share 5kRESULTS.

October 17th (Wed)  -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.0 Mile Youth X-C2018 RESULTS.

October 20th (Sat) -- Centralia -- Mario Madness 5k Fun Run. 10:00 AM. $15/$25 and group/family rate, Free Kids race.

October 25th (Thur) -- Shelton -- Huff N Puff 2 mile footrace (Grades 3-8).

October 31st (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Bruce Newman Memorial 1.5 Mile Youth XC Race2018 RESULTS.


September 2nd  (Sun) -- Chehalis Western Trail -- Sporty Diva Bad Azz 5 mile,13.1, 26.2, and 50k.  

September  3rd (Mon) -- Chambers Creek neighborhood, Olympia -- 5th Annual Chambers Creek Crossing 1 mile kids race2018 RESULTS.

September  8th (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Capital Invite Cross-Country Citizen's race 2.33 miles.

September 22nd (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Kokua Poker Fun Run, Walk, and Roll

September 22nd (Sat)-- Tacoma -- Free to Breathe 5k

September 29th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Glow Run 5k.


August 4th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Mustache Dash 5k

August 4th (Sat) -- Shelton -- Beast of Big Creek 21k and 7 mile2017 RESULTS.

August 13th (Mon) -- Olympia to Yelm -- 4 Man/3 Bike Relay2018 RESULTS.

August 18th (Sat) -- Issaqua -- Crush the Hill 5k.

August 18th (Sat) -- Parkland --10th annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k2018 RESULTS.

August 18th (Sat) -- Lacey -- Run Like a Dog 5k2018 RESULTS.

Augutst 26th (Sun) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- Watermelon Rumble 5k and 10k. 9:00 AM. $10.

JULY 2018

July 4th (Wed) -- Capitol campus, Olympia -- Firecracker 5k2018 RESULTS.

July 4th (Wed) -- Steilacoom -- 30th annual Four on the Fourth2018 RESULTS.

July 4th (Wed) -- Tumwater Valley Golf Course, Tumwater -- Fairways and Fireworks Fore on the Fourth 4 mile.

July 8th (Sun) -- Westport -- Run Like the Wind 5k/10k.

July 14th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Trials Legacy Marathon,1/2 marathon, 8k, and 3k. 7:00 AM.

July 21st (Sat) -- Buckley -- B & O Half Marathon and 10k

July 23rd-27th -- Ft. Steilacoom Park -- 16th annual South Sound Cross-Country Camp

July 27th (Fri) -- RAC, Lacey -- Grow in the Dark 5k and kids race. 8:00 PM kids race and 9:00 PM 5k.

July (Sun) -- Olympia -- The Struggle Bus Run 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon virtual run.

JUNE 2018

May 31st (Thur)  -- Tumwater HS --All-comers Track & Field MeetAC#1 2018 RESULTS.

June 2nd (Sat) -- Shelton -- Goldsborough Creek Run/Walk/Jog 7 mile, 2 mile, 1/4 mile kids raceEntry Form.

June 2nd  (Sat) -- Roosevelt Elementary, Olympia -- 5th Annual Roosevelt Roadrunner 5k.

Junr 3rd (Sun) -- Medina Park -- RGI 5k Fun Run.

June 3rd (Sun) -- Lakewood -- You Matter Movement 5k and 1/2 Marathon Run/Walk.

June 7th (Thur)  -- Tumwater HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet2018 AC #2 RESULTS

June 9th  (Sat) -- South Bay Grange, Lacey -- Strawberry Short-K (5k).

June 9th (Sat) -- Yelm --  Festival of Miles 1 mile races.

June 14th  (Thur) -- Tumwater HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet2018 AC #3 RESULTS.

June 16th (Sat) -- Chehalis-Centralia Airport -- Leap the Levee 5 Run/Walk

June 16th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Madison Mad Dash 5k and kids 2.5k2018 RESULTS.

June 21st (Thur)  -- Tumwater HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet2018 AC #4 RESULTS.

June 28th (Thur)  -- Tumwater HS --All-comers Track & Field Meet2018 AC #5 RESULTS.

June 30th (Sat) -- Thrive Fitness, Lacey -- Thrive Freedom 5k. 9:00 AM. 2018 RESULTS.

June 30th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- ROAD-odend-RUN SUMMER EDITION.2018 SUMMER EDITION RESULTS.

MAY 2018

May 5th (Sat) -- Capitol Building, Olympia -- YMCA Spring Run 10k/2 mile2018 RESULTS.

May 5th (Sat) -- Centralia -- Blazer 5k Heroes and Villains.

May 13th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- 4th Annual Mother's Day 5k.

May 19th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Kids 1.2 Mile Kids Run. 4:00 PM. FREE!

May 20th (Sun) -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 5 mile

May 20th (Sun) -- Orting -- 5k for the Fallen.

May 31st (Thur)  -- Tumwater HS --All-comers Track & Field MeetAC#1 2018 RESULTS.

APRIL 2018

April 1st (Sun) -- Orting -- Sporty Diva 6.55 mile, 13.1 mile and 26.2 Mile.

April 15th (Sun) -- Olympia -- 3rd annual Race for Inclusion 5k

April 21st (Sat) -- Marshall Middle School, Olympia -- Earth Day 5k Race Without a Trace. 2018 RESULTS.

April 28th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Capitol Peak 50 mile/25k.

April 28th (Sat) -- Mt. View Church, Tumwater -- Race Against Trafficking 5k2018 RESULTS.

April 29th (Sun) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- COTA 5k(REGISTRATION FORM).

MARCH 2018

March 3rd (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Hillbilly 1/2 Marathon and Mt. Marathon2018 RESULTS.

March 3rd (Sat) -- Orting -- Foothills Dash 1 mile, 5k, 10k . 2018 RESULTS.

March 10th (Sat) -- Tacoma -- HIT the Trail 5k Run/Walk2018 RESULTS.

March 11th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum -- Donut Dash 5k2018 RESULTS.

March 24th (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/20k/20mile2018 RESULTS.

March 25th (Sun) -- McClane Elementary, Olympia -- Friendship Run 5k, 10k, and kids race2018 RESULTS.

March 25th (Sun) -- Washington Corrections Center, Shelton -- 10k race. 2018 RESULTS. Email elhammargren@doc1.wa.gov for details.

March 31st (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k2018 RESULTS.

February 3rd (Sat) -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 1/2 Marathon and 10k2018 RESULTS.

February 10th (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- Valentine's Day 5k.

February 17th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Run Forest Run 50k/25k

February 18th (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 11th annual ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo2018 RESULTS.

February 24th (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 15k/15mile. 9:00 AM. $22.  2017 RESULTS.


January 6th  (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/5mile. 9:00 AM. $22.

January 13th  (Sat) -- Olympia -- The Elvis Dash 5k/10k. 9:30 AM. 2017 RESULTS.

January 20th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Mega Fatass Ultramarathon

January 21st (Sun) -- West Olympia Fire Station -- Brent Strong 5k Run/Walk. 10:00 AM. $13-$30. 

January 27th  (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 10k/10mile2018 RESULTS.

January (Sat) -- Elma -- Run for Faith (& Food) 5k and 10k.



December 2nd (Sat) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- RUN-dezvous 5k and 1 mile2017 RESULTS.

December 2nd (Sat) -- Shelton -- Missile Toe Mile2017 RESULTS.

December 16th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Porter Creek Trail Runs 5k, 10 mile, 25k. 8:30 AM.

December 17th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- Crime Stoppers Reindeer Run 5k and kids 1 mile.

December 23rd (Sat) -- South Sound Running, Olympia -- 8th Annual White Elephant Run 5.0 Mile2017 RESULTS.


November 5th (Sun) -- Rainier Vista Park, Lacey  -- Turn Back the Clock 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon2017 RESULTS.

November 11th (Sat) -- Orting -- Turkey Trot 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon.

November 11th (Sat) -- Capitol Lake, Olympia -- 5k Poker Run/Walk/Roll.

November 18th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Seal a Meal 5k.

November 23rd (Thur) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Oly Trot 4 mile2017 RESULTS.


October 7th (Sat) -- St. Martins University -- Bill Kehoe/South Sound Invitational Cross-country Community 5k2017 RESULTS.

October 7th (Sat) -- Yelm -- Nakaseeta 5k Walk/Run Event. (Registration link).

October 7th (Sat) -- Rainier -- Rainier Throwback 5k.

October 18th (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Bruce Newman Memorial 1.5 Mile Youth XC Race2017 RESULTS.

October 21st (Sat) -- Deschutes River Ranch, Tumwater -- BHHS Zombie Dash 3k, 1 mile, 1/2 mile kids race.

October 21st (Sat) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- Brighter Futures 5K Trick or Trot.

October 21st (Sat) -- Centralia -- Potter in the Park 5k.

October 21st (Sat) -- RAC, Lacey -- CCS Glow Big or Glow Home 5k.  

October 28th (Sat) -- Tenino -- Pumpkin Dash and Bash 5k/10k. (facebook page)

October 28th (Sat) -- Olympia -- 4th Annual Spooktacular 5k Sprint


September 3rd (Sun) -- Chehalis Western Trail -- Sporty Diva Bad Azz 10k &13.1

September 4th (Mon) -- Chehalis Western Trail -- Sporty Diva Bad Azz 5 mile, 13.1, 26.2 & 50k

September  4th (Mon) -- Chambers Creek neighborhood, Olympia -- 4th Annual Chambers Creek Crossing 1 mile kids race2017 RESULTS.

September  9th (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Capital Invite Cross-Country Citizen's race 2.33 miles2016 RESULTS.

September 9th (Sat)-- Tacoma -- Free to Breathe 5k

September 16th (Sat) -- Northwest Trek, Eatonville -- Run Wild 8k/5k.

September 21st (Thur)  -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.0 Mile Youth X-C2017 RESULTS.

September 23rd (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run CFD 5K Charity Run.

September 30th (Sat) -- Peter G. Schmidt Elementary, Tumwater -- Fly Like an Eagle 5k2017 RESULTS.


August 5th (Sat) -- Federal Way -- Run with the Cops 5k.

August 5th (Sat) -- Shelton -- Beast of Big Creek 21k and 7 mile2017 RESULTS.

August 18th (Fri) -- Olympia to Yelm -- 4 Man/3 Bike Relay2017 RESULTS.

August 19th (Sat) -- Parkland -- 9th annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k2017 RESULTS.

August 19th (Sat) -- Lacey -- Run Like a Dog 5k2017 RESULTS.

JULY 2017

July 1st (Sat) -- Thrive Fitness, Lacey -- Thrive Freedom 5k. 2017 RESULTS.

July 4th (Tue) -- Olympia -- 3rd Annual Firecracker 5k.

July 4th (Tue) -- Steilacoom -- Four on the Fourth2017 RESULTS.

July 9th (Sun) -- Westport -- Run Like the Wind 5k/10k. 9:00 AM.

July 15th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Lakefair 1/2 marathon, 8k, 3k. 7:00 AM.

July 23rd (Sun) -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- For the City 5k. 9:00 AM. $25 adult/$15 student/ Free kids run!

July 28th (Fri) -- RAC, Lacey -- Grow in the Dark 5k and kids race. 8:00 PM kids race and 9:00 PM 5k.

July 30th (Sun) -- Olympia -- The Struggle Bus Run 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon virtual run.

JUNE 2017

June 1st (Thur)  -- St. Martins University, Lacey --All-comers Track & Field Meet2017 AC #1 RESULTS.

June 3rd (Sat) -- Roosevelt Elementary, Olympia -- 4th Annual Roosevelt Roadrunner 5k.

June 3rd (Sat) -- RAC, Lacey -- Glow in the Dark 5k for The American Cancer Society.

June 3rd (Sat) -- Shelton -- Goldsborough Creek Run/Walk/Jog

June 3rd (Sat) -- Gig Harbor -- U.S. Bank Family Fun Run.

June 3rd (Sat) -- Millersylvania State Park, Tumwater -- Myllersylvania 50k, 30k, 10k Trail Run.

June 3rd (Sat) -- Tumwater Historical Park --Run for Rett 5k.

June 3rd (Sat) -- Rainier -- Running For Champions Young Life 5k.

June  8th (Thur) -- St. Martins University, Lacey --All-comers Track & Field Meet2017 AC #2 RESULTS.

June 10th (Sat) -- Capitol Lake, Olympia -- Glitter and Glow 5k.

June  10th (Sat) -- South Bay Grange, Lacey -- Strawberry Short-K (5k).

June  15th (Thur)  -- St. Martins University, Lacey --All-comers Track & Field Meet2017 AC #3 RESULTS.

June 17th (Sat) -- Chehalis-Centralia Airport -- Leap the Levee 5 Run/Walk.

June 18th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- Father's Day 5k and kids 1mile.

June 22nd (Thur)  -- St. Martins University, Lacey --All-comers Track & Field Meet2017 AC #4 RESULTS.

June 25th (Sun) -- Thurston County Fairgrounds, Lacey -- Black Hill Triathlon2017 RESULTS.

June 29th (Thur)  -- St. Martins University, Lacey --All-comers Track & Field Meet2017 RESULTS.

MAY 2017

May 6th (Sat) -- Capitol Building, Olympia -- 30th  Annual YMCA Spring Run 2 mile and 10k. 2017 RESULTS.

May 6th (Sat) -- Centralia -- Blazer 5k-Revenge of the Sixth. 2017 RESULTS.

May 13th (Sat) -- Horizons Elementary, Lacey -- Horizons PTSA 5k My School Color Run.

May 14th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- 3rd annual Mother's Day 5k and Kids 1 mile.

May 20th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon 1.2 Mile Kids Race

May 20th (Sat) -- The Evergreen State College -- 4th annual First Peoples 5k walk/run. 2017 RESULTS.

May 21st  (Sun) -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 5 mile2017 RESULTS

APRIL 2017

April 1st (Sat) -- Orting -- Orting Bunny Hop 5k, 10k, Half Marathon2017 RESULTS.

April 1st (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5kRegistration Link2017 RESULTS.

April 9th (Sat) -- Westport -- Dune Dash 5k and 10k. 11:00 AM.

April 16th (Sun) -- Orting -- Sporty Diva's 6.5 Mile and half marathon. 9:00 AM. $40.

April 22nd (Sat) -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- 5k to benefit Chris Heay's fight with Cancer.

April 23rd (Sun) -- Hands on Children's Museum, Olympia -- Race 4 Inclusion. 2017 RESULTS.

April 29th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Capitol Peak 50 mile and 25k. 2016 RESULTS.

April 29th (Sat) -- Mt. View Church, Tumwater-- Race Against Trafficking 5k. 9:00 AM. $30/$10 youth. 2016 RESULTS.

MARCH 2017

March 4th  (Sat) -- Rock Candy Mountain -- Mountain Marathon and Hillbilly 1/2 Marathon2017 RESULTS.

March 4th (Sat) -- Orting -- Foothills Dash 1 mile, 5k, 10k . 9:00 AM. $20. 2017 RESULTS.

March 12th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- Donut Dash 5k and free kids 1 mile2017 RESULTS.

March 18th (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 20k/20mile2017 RESULTS.

March 25th  (Sat) -- Dupont -- Trail Marathon and Half Marathon. .
March 26th (Sun) -- McClane Elementary, Olympia -- Friendship Run 5k, 10k, and kids race2017 RESULTS.


February 4th (Sat) -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 1/2 Marathon and 10k2017 RESULTS.

February 11th (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- 3rd annual Valentine's Day 5k.

February 18th (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 15k/15mile2017 RESULTS.

February 19th (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 10th annual ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay and solo2017 RESULTS.


January 1st (Sun) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 5k/5mile. 2017 RESULTS.

January 7th (Sat) -- Ingersoll Stadium, Olympia -- 5K March for the Cure. 11:00 AM.

January 14th (Sat) -- Elma -- Run for Faith (& Food) 5k and 10k.

January 14th  (Sat) -- Olympia -- The Elvis Dash 5k/10k. 2017 RESULTS.

January 21st (Sat) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Resolution 10k/10mile. 2017 RESULTS.
January 21st (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak Ultra Marathon.


December 3rd (Sat) -- Saint Martins University, Lacey -- Jingle Bell 5k. 2016 RESULTS.

December 3rd (Sat) -- Shelton -- Mistletoe Mile. 2016 RESULTS.

December 17th (Sat) -- South Sound Running, Olympia -- 7th Annual White Elephant Run 5.0 Mile. 2016 RESULTS.

December 18th (Sun) --Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- Reindeer Run 5k. (Facebook page). 2016 RESULTS.


November 5th (Sat) -- Horizons Elementary, Lacey -- Puddle Jump 5k/10k Walk/Jog/Stroll. 2016 RESULTS.

November 6th  (Sun) -- Rainier Vista Park, Lacey -- Turn Back the Clock 5k, 10k, half marathon. 2016 RESULTS.

November 20th (Sun) -- Lakewood -- FSRC Annual Turkey Trot 5k. 2016 RESULTS.

November 24th (Thur) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Oly Trot 4 mile and 1/2 mile Tot Trot. 2016 RESULTS.

October 1st (Sat) -- Onalaska -- 7th Annual Apple Harvest Festival Fun Run & Walk 5k.

October 2nd (Sun) -- University Place -- Sporty Diva's 5th annual 1/2, 15k, 10k, 5k at Chambers Bay.
October 2nd (Sun) -- Shelton -- 5k Shuck and Share. 8:00 AM. 2016 RESULTS.

October 8th (Sat) -- RAC, Lacey -- Rampage at the RAC . 9:00 AM. $35. Cancelled for 2016
October 15th (Sat) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- CYS Brighter Futures 5k: Trick or Trot. 2015 RESULTS.

October 15th (Sat) -- Elma -- Peak Health Family 5k Run. 9:15 AM. $10 and Free Kids Race.

October 21st (Fri) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Bruce Newman Memorial Youth XC 1.5 Mile. 2016 RESULTS.
October 22nd  (Sat) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- 2nd annual RUN-dezvous 5K and 1 mile. 2016 RESULTS.

October 22nd (Sat) -- Centralia -- Centralia College Zombie 5k Fun Run.

October 22nd (Sat) -- Deschutes River Ranch, Tumwater -- BHXC Zombie Dash 3K.

October 29th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak Scarry Ass 24k/14k. 9:00 AM. $10.

October 29th (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- 3rd annual Spooktacular 5k Sprint. 2015 RESULTS.

October 29th  (Sat) -- Tenino -- Pumpkin Dash 5k, 10k, and 1 mile. 2015 RESULTS.

October 29th (Sat) -- Marshall Middle School, Olympia. Marshall Monster Dash 5k.


September 4th-5th (Sun/Mon) -- Horizons Elementary, Lacey -- Sporty Divas Bad Azz Back to Back.

September  5th (Mon) -- Chambers Creek neighborhood, Olympia -- 3rd Annual Chambers Creek Crossing 1 mile kids race. 2016 RESULTS.

September 10th (Sat) -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- A Community United in Recovery Run/Walk 5k.

September 10th (Sat) -- Yelm -- 6th annual 5k Run for Recovery.

September  10th (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Capital Invite Cross-Country Citizen's race 2.33 miles. 2016 RESULTS.

September 17th (Sat) -- Chehalis -- Run, Baby Run 5k.

September 17th (Sat) -- Northwest Trek, Eatonville -- Run Wild 8k/5k.

September 17th (Sat)-- Tacoma -- Free to Breathe 5k. 2016 RESULTS.
September 17th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run CFD 5k.

September 28th (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.0 Mile Youth X-C. 2016 RESULTS.

September 30th (Fri) -- Deschutes River Ranch, Tumwater -- Deschutes River Ranch 5K XC Open race.


August 6th (Sat) -- Shelton -- Beast of Big Creek Trail 1/2 Marathon and 7 mile. 2016 RESULTS.

August 20th  (Sat) -- Parkland -- 8th annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k2016 RESULTS.

August 20th (Sat) -- South Bay Veterinary Hospital, Lacey -- Run Like a Dog 5k2016 RESULTS.

JULY 2016

July 2nd (Sat) -- Thrive Community Fitness, Lacey -- Lacey Days Thrive 5K.

July 3rd (Sun) -- Jackman, Maine -- Duval Dash 5k and 1 mile.

July 4th (Mon) -- Capitol Campus, Olympia -- 2nd annual Firecracker 5K. 2016 RESULTS

July 4th (Mon) -- Steilacoom -- 28th annual Four on the Fourth 4 mile. 2016 RESULTS.

July 16th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Lakefair 1/2 marathon, 8k, and 3k. 2016 RESULTS

July 16th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Trials Legacy Marathon. 2016 RESULTS.

July 24th (Sun) -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- FOR THE CITY 5K. 2016 RESULTS.
July 27th  (Wed) -- Puyallup -- Future Stars Youth Track Meet. 5:30 PM. 2016 RESULTS.

July 29th (Fri) -- RAC, Lacey -- Grow in the Dark 5k and kids run. 2016 RESULTS.

JUNE 2016

June 1st (Wed)  -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2016 FULL RESULTS AC#1

June 4th  (Sat) -- Tumwater Historical Park --Run for Rett 5k. 2016 RESULTS.

June 4th (Sat) -- Shelton -- Goldsborough Creek/Mason County Forest Festival Run/Walk/Jog 7 mile, 2 mile, and 1/4 mile. 2016 RESULTS.

June 8th  (Wed) -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2016 FULL RESULTS AC#2

June 15th  (Wed)  -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2016 FULL RESULTS AC#3.

June 18th (Sat) -- Chehalis-Centralia Airport -- Leap the Levee 5k Run/Walk.

June 18th  (Sat) -- South Bay Grange, Lacey -- Strawberry Short-K (5k).

June 19th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- Father's Day 5k and kids 1mile.

June  22nd (Wed)  -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2016 FULL RESULTS AC #4

June 26th (Sun) -- Thurston County Fairgrounds, Lacey -- Black Hill Triathlon. 2016 RESULTS.

June  29th (Wed)  -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2016 FULL RESULTS AC #5

MAY 2016

May 7th (Sat) -- Capitol Building, Olympia -- 29th Annual YMCA Spring Run 2 mile and 10k. 2016 RESULTS.

May 8th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- 2nd Annual Mother's Day 5k and 1 mile kids run. 2016 RESULTS.

May 14th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon 1.2 Mile Kids Race. 2016 RESULTS.

May 15th (Sun) -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 5 mile. 2016 RESULTS.
May 20th (Fri) -- Tumwater HS, Tumwater -- Tumwater School District 5k and 5 & under 400m dash.
May 21st (Sat) -- The Evergreen State College -- Annual First Peoples 5k walk/run.
May 21st (Sat) -- Rainier -- Running For Champions Young Life 5k.

APRIL 2016

April 2nd (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k. 2016 RESULTS.

April 16th (Sat) -- Tumwater Historical Park, Tumwater-- Race Against Trafficking 5k fun run. 2016 RESULTS.

April 17th (Sun) -- Hands on Children's Museum, Olympia -- Race 4 Inclusion. 2016 RESULTS.

April 16th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest -- Capitol Peak 50 mile and 25k. 2016 RESULTS.

April 17th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- Race 4 Inclusion 4 miler and kids race. 2016 RESULTS.

April 23rd (Sat) -- Union -- The Traveler 5k run/walk. 2016 RESULTS.

MARCH 2016

March 5th (Sat) -- Dupont -- Trail Marathon and Half Marathon. 2016 RESULTS.

March 5th (Sat) -- Orting -- Foothills Dash 1 mile, 5k, 10k. 2016 RESULTS.

March 12th (Sat) -- Rock Candy Mountain -- Mountain Marathon and Hillbilly 1/2 Marathon. 2016 RESULTS.

March 13th (Sun) -- McClane Elementary, Olympia -- Friendship Run 5k, 10k, and kids race. 2016 RESULTS.

March 13th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- Donut Dash 5k and free kids race. 2016 RESULTS.

March 27th (Sun) -- Orting -- Sporty Diva's 6.5 Mile and 1/2 Marathon. 2016 RESULTS.


February 6th (Sat) -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 10k and half marathon. 2015 RESULTS.

February 13th (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- 2nd annual Valentine's Day 5k. 2016 RESULTS.

February 21st (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 9th annual ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay or solo. 2016 RESULTS.

January 9th (Sat) -- Elma -- Run for Faith (& Food) 5k and 10k. 10:00 AM. $30.

January 16th (Sat) -- Olympia -- The Elvis Dash 5k/10k. 9:30 AM.

January 23rd (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak Ultra Marathon.

                                         2015 RACE RESULTS


December 5th (Sat) -- Saint Martins University, Lacey -- Jingle Bell 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

December 5th (Sat) -- Shelton -- Missiletoe Mile. 2015 RESULTS.

December 19th (Sat) -- South Sound Running, Olympia -- 6th Annual White Elephant Run 5.0 Mile. 2015 RESULTS.


November 1st (Sun) -- Rainier Vista Park, Lacey -- Turn Back the Clock 5k, 10k, half marathon. 2015 RESULTS.

November 7th (Sat) -- Horizons Elementary, Lacey -- Puddle Jump 5k/10k Run/Walk/Stroll. 2015 RESULTS.

November 26th (Thur) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Oly Trot 4 mile and 1/2 mile Tot Trot. 2015 RESULTS.

November 29th (Sun) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- Reindeer Run 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

October 3rd (Sat) -- RAC, Lacey -- CCS Glow Big or Glow Home 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

October 3rd (Sat) -- Onalaska -- 6th Annual Apple Harvest Festival Fun Run & Walk 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

October 4th (Sun) -- Shelton -- 5k Shuck and Share. 2015 RESULTS.

October 10th (Sat) -- RAC, Lacey -- Rampage at the RAC 2015 RESULTS.

October 17th (Sat) -- Hands On Children's Museum, Olympia -- CYS Brighter Futures 5k: Trick or Trot. 2015 RESULTS.

October 17th (Sat) -- Black Hills High School, Tumwater -- BHHS Zombie XC Obstacle 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

October 24th (Sat) -- Grace Covenant Church, Olympia -- RUN-dezvous 5K and 1 mile. 2015 RESULTS.

October 24th (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- 2nd annual Spooktacular 5k Sprint. 2015 RESULTS.

October 31st (Sat) -- Tenino -- Pumpkin Dash 5k, 10k, and 1 mile. 2015 RESULTS.

October 31st (Sat) -- Marshall Middle School, Olympia. Marshall Monster Dash 5k. 2015 RESULTS.


September 7th (Mon) -- Chambers Creek neighborhood, Olympia -- 2nd Annual Chambers Creek Crossing 1 mile kids race. 2015 RESULTS.

September 12th (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Capital Invite Cross-Country Citizen's race 2.33 miles. 2015 RESULTS.

September 16th (Wed) -- Shelton -- 3K youth cross-country race and open race. 2015 RESULTS.

September 19th (Sat)-- Tacoma -- Free to Breathe 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

September 19th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run CFD 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

September 19th(Sat) -- Northwest Trek, Eatonville -- Run Wild 8k/5k. 2015 RESULTS.

September 25th (Fri) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Youth 1 mile x-c race. 2015 RESULTS.

September 26th (Sat) -- Peter G. Schmidt Elementary School, Tumwater -- Fly Like an Eagle 5k. 2015 RESULTS.


August 8th (Sat) -- Rainier -- Superhero Fun Run/Walk 5k and kids run. 2015 RESULTS.

August 22nd (Sat) -- Parkland -- 7th annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

August 22nd (Sat) -- South Bay Veterinary Hospital, Lacey -- Run Like a Dog 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

JULY 2015

July 3rd (Fri) -- Thrive Fitness, Lacey -- "Lacey Days" Thrive 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

July 4th (Sat) -- Capitol Campus, Olympia -- Firecracker 5k and free kids race. 2015 RESULTS.

July 4th (Sat) -- Tacoma -- Independence day 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

July 4th (Sat) -- Steilacoom -- Four on the Fourth 4 mile2015 RESULTS.

July 11th (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Women's 4k Moon Run. 2015 RESULTS.

July 18th (Sat) -- Capitol Lake, Olympia -- 40th annual Lakefair 1/2 Marathon, 8k, and 3k. 2015 RESULTS.

July 18th (Sat) -- Puyallup HS -- 2 mile Grand Prix. 2015 RESULTS.

July 24th (Fri) -- RAC, Lacey -- Grow in the Dark 5k and 1/2 mile kids run. 2015 RESULTS.

July 26th (Sun) -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- For the City 5k and Free kids run. 2015 RESULTS.

JUNE 2015

June 5th (Fri)  -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2015 BPS RESULTS.
June 6th (Sat) -- Roosevelt Elemetary School, Olympia -- 2nd annual Roosevelt Roadrunner 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

June 6th (Sat) -- Tumwater Historical Park --Run for Rett 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

June 7th (Sun) -- Olympia -- Fall Creek Mud March 8 mile. 2014 RESULTS.

June 11th (Thur) -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2015 BPS RESULTS.

June 16th (Tue) -- Chambers Lake Trailhead of Chehalis-Western Trail, Lacey -- 4 Man/3 Bike Relay.

June 17th (Wed) -- Puyallup -- Future Stars Youth Track Meet2015 RESULTS.

June 18th (Thur)  -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2015 BPS RESULTS.

June 20th (Sat) -- South Bay Grange, Lacey -- Strawberry Short-K (5k). 2015 RESULTS.

June 25th (Thur)  -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2015 BPS RESULTS.

June 26th (Fri) -- RAC, Lacey -- Run 4 Hearing Glow-in-the-dark 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

June 27th (Sat) -- Yelm -- 4th annual Prarie Stampede 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

June 28th (Sat) -- Thurston County Fairgrounds, Lacey -- Black Hill Triathlon. 2015 RESULTS.

June 28th (Sat) -- Centralia --Centralia All-comers Track & Field Meet.

MAY 2015

April 2nd  (Sat) -- Hoquiam -- Run for the Birds. 2015 RESULTS.

May 2nd (Sat) -- Capitol Building, Olympia -- 28th annual YMCA Spring Family Run/Walk 10k, 2 mile, kids run. 2015 RESULTS.

May 10th (Sun) -- Hands on Children's Museum, Olympia -- Mother's Day 5k.

May 16th (Sat) -- Onalaska -- Hell's Run @ Burnt Ridge Mud Run 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

May 16th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon Kids Race 1.2 mile. 2015 RESULTS.

May 17th (Sun) -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- 30th Annual Capital City Marathon, 1/2 marathon, and 5 mile. 2015 RESULTS.

May 30th (Sat) -- Rainier -- HWY 507 Young Life Running for Champions 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

May 30th (Sat) -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- The 2nd Annual First Peoples 5k Run. 2015 RESULTS

May 30th  (Sat) -- Marshall Middle School, Olympia -- 3rd annual The Tortoise and the Hare Prediction 5k (With FREE Kids Fun Run). (facebook) 2015 RESULTS.
May 30th (Sat) -- Shelton -- Goldsborough Creek Run/Walk/Jog. 2015 RESULTS.

APRIL 2015

April 4th (Sat)  -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k. 2015 RESULTS.
April 25th (Sat) -- Hoquiam -- Colors of Cancer 5k Race for Life. $20. 10:00 AM.

April  (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak 50km/50 mile.

MARCH 2015

March 1st (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run, Walk, and Roll 5k.

March 7th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Mt. Marathon and Hillbilly Half Marathon. 2015 RESULTS.
March 8th (Sun) -- Children's Museum, Olympia -- Donut Dash 5k and FREE 1 mile kids race. 2015 RESULTS.

March 14th (Sat) -- Puyallup -- Rogers St. Paddy's Day Run 1k, 5k, 10k. 2015 RESULTS.

March 15th (Sun) -- McClane Elementary, Olympia --10th annual Friendship Run 5k/10k/Free Tot trot. 2015 RESULTS.
March 28th (Sat) -- Yelm -- Hop for Hunger 5k and family/kids run/walk. 2015 RESULTS.


February 14th (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- Olympia Valentine's Day 5k. 2015 RESULTS.

February 22nd (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 8th Annual ROAD-odend-RUN. 2015 RESULTS.


February 28th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Miles for Music 5k Race and 1.5 mile walk.


January 10th  (Sat) -- Elma -- Run for Faith.

January 17th (Sat) -- Olympia -- The Elvis Dash 5k/10k.

January 17th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak 17 and 34 Mile Mega Fat Ass.
January 31st (Sat) -- Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 1/2 marathon and 10k. 2015 RESULTS.


December 6th (Sat) -- St. Martins College, Lacey -- St. Martins Jingle Bell Run 5k. 2014 RESULTS.

December 6th (Sat) -- Elma High School -- Elma Foodbowl 5k and 10k.

December 6th (Sat) -- Puyallup -- Roger Reindeer Run. 2014 RESULTS.

December 6th (Sat) -- Lakewood -- Jingle Bell Rock... Your Ugly Christmas Sweater 5k.

December 6th (Sat) -- Shelton -- Missletoe Mile. 2014 RESULTS.

December 7th (Sun) -- Hands on Children's Museum, Olympia -- Reindeer Run 5k. 2014 RESULTS.

December 13th (Sat) -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- Run Olympia Relay. 2014 RESULTS.

December 20th (Sat) -- South Sound Running, Olympia. 5th Annual White Elephant Run 5.0 Mile. 2014 RESULTS.

December 20th (Sat) -- Elma -- Christmas Marathon, 1/2 marathon, 10k, 5k, and relay. 9:00 AM.



November 1st (Sat) -- Lacey -- 5th Annual Puddle Jump 5K/10K Run/Walk/Stroll. 2014 RESULTS.

November 1st (Sat) -- Elma -- 1st annual Candy Rush Halloween Run 5k,10k, and kids 1 mile.


November 2nd (Sun) -- Rainer Vista Park, Lacey -- 7th annual Turn Back the Clock 5k, 10k, and half marathon2014 RESULTS

November 9th (Sun) -- Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Run With a Soldier 5k. 2014 RESULTS.

November 27th (Thur) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Oly Trot 4 mile2014 RESULTS.

October 1st (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Youth Cross-Country 1 mile race. 2014 RESULTS.
October 15th (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Youth Cross-Country 1 mile race. 2014 RESULTS.

October 18th (Sat) -- RAC, Lacey -- Glow Big or Glow Home 5k. RESULTS.
October 25th (Sat) -- Tumwater -- Bodymechanics 5k. RESULTS.

October 25th (Sat) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- Spooktacular 5k Sprint. 2014 RESULTS.

October 25th (Sat) -- Marshall Middle School, Olympia -- Mustang Monster Dash 5k. 2014 RESULTS.

October 25th (Sat) -- Capitol Lake, Olympia -- AUSA EOD Warrior 5K. RESULTS.

October 30th (Thur) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Bruce Newman Memorial Youth 1.5 mile X-C Race. 2014 RESULTS.


September  1st and 2nd (Mon/Tue) -- Chehalis Western Trail, Olympia -- Sporty Diva's Bad Azz Back 2 Back 5k-50k.

September 13th (Sat) -- Yelm -- 4th Annual Truly Motivated Transitional Living Run For Recovery 5k.
September  13th (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Capital Invite Citizen's Race 2.33 mile.

September 13th (Sat) -- Tumwater -- Bodymechanics 5k.
September  17th (Wed) -- Lake Isabella, Shelton -- Youth 3k x-c race.

September 20th (Sat) -- Olympia -- Brighter Futures Run 5K. 2013 RESULTS.

Septem er 20th (Sat) -- Eatonville -- Run Wild 5k/8k. 8:30 AM. $40

September 23rd (Tue) -- Prist Point Park, Olymipa -- Oly Trail 5k. 6:00 PM.

September 27th (Sat) -- Peter G Schmidt Elementary School, Tumwater --  Fly Like an Eagle 5k.

September 27th (Sat) -- Deschutes River Ranch, Olympia - Zombie Run 1/2 mile, 1 mile, and 5k.


August 9th (Sat) -- Shelton -- 4th annual Beast of Big Creek 21K and 10K. 2014 RESULTS.

August 10th (Sun) -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- 12-hour Ultra Endurance Challenge. 2014 RESULTS.

August 14th (Thur) -- Chambers Creek Crossing Neighborhood, Olympia -- Chambers Creek Crossing 1.00 Mile Kids Race. 2014 RESULTS.

August 23rd (Sat) -- South Bay Veterinary Clinic, Olympia -- Run Like a Dog 5k.

August 23rd (Sat) -- Parkland -- 6th annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k.

August 24th (Sun) -- Chehalis -- 8th Back to School Dash 5k. 9:00 AM

August 30th (Sat)  -- Chambers Lake Trailhead, Lacey --6th annual 4 (Wo)Man/3 Bike Relay. 9:00 AM. FREE! Cancelled 2014

JULY 2014

July 5th (Sat) -- Olympia -- Soles 4 Souls 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon. RESULTS.

July 12th (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Women's Moon Run 4K. 2014 RESULTS.

July 19th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Lakefair Half Marathon, 8k, and 3k. 2014 RESULTS.

July 21st (Mon) -- Thrive Community Fitness, Lacey -- 2nd annual Thrive 5k. 2014 RESULTS.

July 25th (Fri) -- RAC, Lacey -- Grow in The Dark 5k and kids run. 2014 RESULTS.

July 26th (Sat) -- Oregon Trail Days Family Fun Run 5k.

July 27th (Sun) -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- FOR THE CITY 5K. 2014 RESULTS.

JUNE 2014

June 5th (Thur)  -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2014 BPS RESULTS.

June 7th (Sat) -- Tumwater Historical Park --Run for Rett 5k. 2014 RESULTS.

June 7th (Sat) -- Roosevelt Elementary School, Olympia -- 1st annual Roosevelt Elementary Fun Run 5k. 2014 RESULTS.

June 8th (Sun) -- White Pass -- Round Mountain 1/2 Marathon and Around-the-Lake 5 Mile. 2014 RESULTS.

June 8th (Sun) -- Olympia -- Fall Creek Mud March 8 mile. 2014 RESULTS.

June 12th (Thur) -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2014 BPS RESULTS.

June 19th (Thur)  -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet2014 BPS RESULTS.

June 26th (Thur)  -- Tumwater High School --All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2014 BPS RESULTS.

June 29th (Sat) -- Centralia --Centralia All-comers Track & Field Meet.

MAY 2014

May 3rd (Sat) -- Capitol Building, Olympia -- 27th annual YMCA Spring Family Run/Walk 10k, 2 mile, kids run. 2014 RESULTS.

May 4th (Sun) -- Ingersoll Stadium, Olympia -- Kevin McCauley Fight On 5k.

May 17th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon Kids Race 1.2 mile. 2014 RESULTS.

May 18th (Sun) -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- 30th Annual Capital City Marathon, 1/2 marathon, and 5 mile. 2014 RESULTS.

May 24th (Sat) -- Federal Way -- 5th Annual E T Classic 5K and Kids Fun Runs. 2014 RESULTS.

May 31st (Sat) -- Shelton -- Goldsborough Creek Run/Walk/Jog.
May 31st (Sat) -- Marshall Middle School, Olympia -- The Tortoise and the Hare Prediction 5k (With FREE Kids Fun Run). (facebook) 2014 RESULTS.

APRIL 2014

April 5th (Sat)  -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k. 2014 RESULTS.

April 19th (Sat) -- Tacoma -- Ruston Way 5k. 2014 RESULTS.

April 26th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak 50km/50 mile. 5:30 AM/6:30 AM.  2012 RESULTS.

April 26th (Sat) -- Hoquiam -- Run for the Birds.

MARCH 2014

March 2nd (Sun) -- Children's Museum, Olympia -- Donut Dash 5k and FREE 1 mile kids race. 2014 RESULTS.

March 8th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Mt. Marathon and Hillbilly Half Marathon. 8:30 AM. $65. 2014 RESULTS.

March 15th (Sat) -- Puyallup -- Rogers St. Paddy's Day Run 1k, 5k, 10k. 2014 RESULTS.

March 16th (Sun) -- McClane Elementary, Olympia --10th annual Friendship Run 5k/10k/Tot trot. 2014 RESULTS.


February 1st (Sat) -- Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 1/2 marathon and 10k. 9:00 AM.

February 9th (Sun) -- Fall Creek Campground, Capitol Forest -- Fall Creek Mud March 8 mile.
February 15th (Sat)-- Gig Harbor -- Knock my socks off 5k. 2014 RESULTS.

February 23rd (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 7th annual ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay or solo. 2014 RESULTS.



January 4th (Sat) -- South Sound Running Store, Olympia --4th annual White Elephant Run 5.0 mile. 2014 RESULTS. 2014 Pictures.

January 11th (Sat) -- Lake Isabella State Park, Shelton -- 8k x-c race. 2014 RESULTS.

January 11th (Sat) -- Elma -- Run for Faith.

January 12th (Sun) -- Capitol Forest -- Rock Candy Mountain Up & Over 5 mile. 2014 RESULTS.

January 18th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak 17 and 34 Mile Mega Fat Ass. 2014 RESULTS.

January 18th (Sat) --Olympia -- Elvis Dash 5k/10K.

January 30th (Thur) -- Olympia -- Run for Background Checks. 11:30 AM. Donations.


December 7th (Sat) -- St. Martin's University, Olympia -- Jingle Bell 5k and 1.55 mile. 2013 RESULTS.
December 7th (Sat) -- Pioneer Park, Tumwater -- 5K XC Race. 2013 RESULTS.
December 7th (Sat) -- Shelton --
Missile Toe Mile. 2013 RESULTS.

December 8th (Sun) -- Hands on Children's Museum, Olympia -- Reindeer Run 5k.

December 14th (Sat) -- Puyallup -- Rogers Reindeer Run 1k, 5k, 10k. 2013 RESULTS.



November 2nd (Sat) -- Horizons Elementary School, Lacey -- Puddlejump 5k and 10k run, walk, stroll. 2013 RESULTS.

November 3rd (Sun) -- Rainier Vista Park, Lacey -- Turn Back the Clock 5k, 10k, family 1 mile. 2013 RESULTS.

November 9th (Sat) -- Millersylvania State Park, Olympia -- 5k XC Race. 2013 RESULTS.

November 28th (Thur) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 3rd annual Oly Trot (4 mile) and 1/2 mile kids race.2013 RESULTS. 


October 2nd (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1 Mile Youth X-C Race. 2013 RESULTS.
October 5th (Sat) -- Northwest Trek, Eatonville -- Run Wild 5k and 8k. 2013 RESULTS.
October 6th (Sun) -- Shelton High School, Shelton -- 4th annual Shuck 'n Run 5k. 2013 RESULTS.
October 12th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Glow in the Dark 5k and 1.5 mile walk. 2013 RESULTS.

October 12th (Sat) -- Regional Athletic Complex, Lacey -- 5K Rampage at the RAC. 2013 RESULTS.
October 16th (Wed) -- Shelton -- Youth 3k x-c race. 2013 RESULTS.

October 19th (Sat) -- The Evergreen State College -- 5k XC race. 2013 RESULTS.

October 25th (Fri) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.5 mile Bruce Newman Memorial all-city youth x-c race. 2012 RESULTS. 2013 RESULTS

October 26th (Sat) -- Tenino -- Pumpkin Dash 10k, 5k, and 1 mile. 2013 RESULTS.



September 1st/2nd (Sun/Mon) -- Chehalis Western Trail, Olympia -- Sporty Diva's Bad Azz Back 2 Back 5k-50k. 2013 RESULTS.

September 2nd (Mon) -- Woodinville -- Labor Day Half Marathon. 2013 RESULTS.
September 14th (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Capital Invite Citizen's Race 2.33 mile. 2013 RESULTS.

September 14th (Sat) -- Olympia -- Brighter Futures Run 5K. 2013 RESULTS.

September 17th (Tue) -- Priest Point Park, Olympia -- Oly Trail 5k.

September 18th (Wed) -- Lake Isabella, Shelton -- Youth 3k x-c race. 2013 RESULTS.

September 21st (Sat) -- Centralia -- Cooks Hill Challenge 10 mile and 5k. 2013 RESULTS.

September 21st (Sat) -- Montesano -- 1/2 Marathon Off Road Race. 2013 RESULTS.

September 28th (Sat) -- Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Evergreen Classic 5k. 2013 RESULTS.

August 3rd (Sat)  -- Big Creek Campground, Hoodsport -- Beast of Big Creek 10k and 20k x-c. 2013 RESULTS.

August 3rd (Sat) -- Elma -- Feet on the Street 5k. 2013 RESULTS.

August 10th (Sat) -- West Port -- Run 4 the Light 5 mile. 2013 RESULTS.

August 10th (Sat) -- Hoquiam -- Summer Run. 2013 RESULTS.
August 11th (Sun) -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- Transcendence 12-hour Ultra Endurance Challenge. 2013 RESULTS.

August 17th (Sat) -- Tumwater -- Thunder Rumble 5k. 2013 RESULTS.

August 24th (Sat)  -- North Point of Marine Drive, Olympia -- Pub Crawl 5k and Kids race.
August 24th (Sat) -- Tacoma -- 5th Annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k. 2013 RESULTS.
August 24th (Sat)  -- South Bay Veterinary Hospital, Olympia -- Run Like A Dog 5k. 2013 RESULTS.

JULY 2013

July 4th (Thur) -- Steilacoom -- Four on the Fourth. 2013 RESULTS.

July  6th (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Women's 4k Moon Run and Half Marathon. 2013 RESULTS.

July 13th (Sat) -- McCleary -- McCleary Bear Festival 10k and 2 mile.

July 20th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Lakefair 8k/3k and Half Marathon. 2012 RESULTS. 2012 PHOTOS.

July 20th (Sat) -- McClane Elementary, Olympia -- Pound for Pound 5k. 2013 RESULTS.

July 27th (Sat) -- Mima Falls trailhead in Capitol Forest,Olympia -- Olympia Traverse multi-sport relay.

July 27th (Sat) -- RAC, Lacey -- Grow in the Dark 5k. 2013 RESULTS.

July 27th (Sat) -- Hoquiam -- 5k run/walk Rainbow Romp. 2013 RESULTS.

July 30th (Tue) -- Emerald Isle, North Carolina -- PRICE I$ RIGHT 5K 2013 Results.

JUNE 2013

June 6th (Thur) -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers Track & Field Meet2013 BPS RESULTS.

June 7th (Fri)-- TBA, Olympia -- Three Towers Adventure Race2013 RESULTS.
June 7th (Fri) -- South Sound Stadium, Lacey -- Hershey Youth Track and Field Meet2013 BPS RESULTS.

June 13th (Thur) -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers Track & Field Meet. 2013 RESULTS.

June 15th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run for Rett 5k. 9:00 AM.  2013 RESULTS.

June 20th (Thur) -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers Track & Field Meet2013 RESULTS.

June 21st (Fri) -- Chambers Lake, Lacey -- 4th annual 4 (Wo)Man/3 Bike Relay2013 RESULTS.

June 27th (Thur) -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers Track & Field Meet2013 RESULTS.

June 29th (Sat) -- Hoquiam -- Harbor Half Marathon and 5k Run.
June 29th (Sat) -- Centralia -- Centralia All-comers Track & Field Meet.

MAY 2013

May 4th (Sat) -- Capitol Building, Olympia -- 26th annual YMCA Spring Family Run/Walk 10k, 2 mile, kids run. RESULTS.

May 18th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon Kids Race 1.2 mile. 2013 RESULTS.

May 19th (Sun) -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- 30th Annual Capital City Marathon, 1/2 marathon, and 5 mile. 2013 RESULTS.

APRIL 2013

April 13th (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run for Your Life 5k. RESULTS.

April 13th (Sat) -- Marshall Middle School, Olympia -- The Tortoise and the Hare Prediction 5k (With FREE Kids Fun Run). RESULTS.

April 14th (Sun) -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- Miles for McDougall 5 Mile Poker Run. Over 500 runners and supporters!

April 20th (Sat) -- Historical Park, Tumwater -- Cupcake Classic Backwards Mile. 1:00 PM. 2012 RESULTS. 2012 PHOTOS.

April 20th (Sat) -- Tacoma -- Ruston Way 5k. 9:00 AM. 2012 RESULTS.

April 27th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak 50km/50 mile. 5:30 AM/6:30 AM.  2012 RESULTS.

April 27th (Sat) -- Hoquiam -- Run for the Birds.

MARCH 2013

March 2nd (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Mt. Marathon and Hillbilly Half Marathon. 2013 RESULTS.

March 3rd (Sun) -- Children's Museum, Olympia -- Donut Dash 5k and FREE 1 mile kids race. 2013 RESULTS.

March 9th (Sat) -- Horizons Elementary, Lacey -- Karelian Bear Dog 5k. 2013 RESULTS.

March 17th (Sun) -- McClane Elementary, Olympia --10th annual Friendship Run 5k/10k/Tot trot. 2013 RESULTS.

March 17th (Sun) -- Hoquiam -- St. Paddy's Day Leprechaun Dash. 2013 RESULTS.

March 30th (Sat)  -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k. 2013 RESULTS.


February 2nd (Sat) -- Tacoma -- 1st annual Super Shuffle 5k. 2013 RESULTS.

February 3rd (Sun) -- Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 1/2 marathon and 10k. 2013 RESULTS

February 9th (Sat) -- Hoquiam -- Run for Your Heart Fun Run 2 mile, 5k, 10k. 2013 RESULTS.

February 16th (Sat) -- Oakland Bay Park, Shelton -- 8k x-c race. 2013 RESULTS.

February 16th (Sat)-- Gig Harbor -- Knock my socks off 5k. 2013 RESULTS.

February 24th (Sun) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 6th annual ROAD-odend-RUN 6 mile relay or solo. 2013 RESULTS. 2013 PICTURES.                                                                          2013 ontherunevents.com facebook pictures.


January 5th (Sat) -- South Sound Running Store, Olympia --3rd annual White Elephant Run 5.0 mile. 2013 RESULTS.

January 12th (Sat) -- Lake Isabella State Park, Shelton -- 8k x-c race. 2013 RESULTS.

January 12 (Sat) -- Elma -- Run for Faith 10k, 5k and kids race. RESULTS.

January 19th (Sat) -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak 17 and 34 Mile Mega Fat Ass. 2013 RESULTS.

January 19th (Sat) --Olympia -- Elvis Dash 5k/10K. 2013 RESULTS.



December 1st (Sat) -- Downtown Shelton -- MissileToe Mile. 4:00 PM. $5. 2012 RESULTS.

December 8th (Sat) -- St. Martin's University, Lacey -- Jingle Bell Run 5K. 2012 RESULTS.

December 9th (Sun) -- Hands on Children's Museum, Olympia -- Reindeer Dash 5k and 1 mile. 2012 RESULTS.

December 15th (Sat) -- Pioneer Park, Tumwater -- 'Tis the Season for a 5K X-C race. RESULTS

December 17th - 23rd (Mon-Sat) -- Olympia -- Tour De Olympia (5 race series). RESULTS.


November 3rd (Sat) -- Horizons Elementary School, Lacey -- Puddlejump 5k and 10k run, walk, stroll. RESULTS.

November 4th (Sun) -- Rainier Vista Park, Lacey -- Turn Back the Clock 5k, 10k, family 1 mile. RESULTS.

November 10th (Sat) -- Millersylvania State Park, Tumwater -- 5K X-C race. RESULTS.

November 17th (Sat) -- Onalaska -- Catch the Bird 5k and 1 mile. RESULTS.

November 22nd (Thur) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 2nd annual Oly Trot (4 mile) and 1/2 mile kids race. RESULTS.


October 6th (Sat) -- Shelton High School, Shelton -- 3rd annual Shuck 'n Run 5k. RESULTS.

October 6th (Sat) -- Northwest Trek, Eatonville -- Run Wild 5k and 8k. RESULTS.

October 10th (Wed) -- Lake Isabella park, Shelton -- Elementary/Middle School X-C Race. RESULTS.

October 13th (Sat) -- Regional Athletic Complex, Lacey -- 5K Rampage at the RAC. RESULTS.

October 26th (Fri) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1.5 mile Bruce Newman Memorial all-city youth x-c race. RESULTS.

October 27th (Sat) -- Olympia -- Demolay Halloween 5k. RESULTS.
October 27th (Sat) -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- Zombie Dash 5K. RESULTS.

October 27th (Sat) -- Evergreen State College, Olympia -- 5K X-C race. RESULTS.

October 28th (Sun) -- Woodland Creek Community Park, Lacey -- Suffer 2, the Outbreak 4.5 Miles. Facebook page. RESULTS.


September 1st (Sat) -- Washington HS, Parkland -- Parkland Pace or Race 5k. RESULTS.

September 1st (Sat) -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Harbor Days 6 mile relay/6 mile solo. RESULTS.

September 1st (Sat) -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- The Great Evergreen Mud Run. RESULTS.

September 3rd (Mon) -- Woodinville -- Labor Day Half Marathon. RESULTS.

September 8th (Sat) -- Huntamer Park, Lacey -- "Good Dog" Fun Run 5k/1 mile. RESULTS.

September 8th (Sat) -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Capital Invite Citizen's Race 2.33 mile. RESULTS.

September 15th (Sat) -- Centralia -- Cooks Hill Challenge 10 mile and 5k. RESULTS.

September 19th (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1 Mile Youth X-C Race. RESULTS.

September 21st (Fri) -- Yauger Park, Olympia -- 3rd annual Bruce Newman Memorial 1.5/1 mile X-C race. BPS RESULTS.

September 22nd (Sat) -- Rochester -- Fight Like a Girl 5k Walk/Run. RESULTS.

September 26th (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- 1 Mile Youth X-C Race. RESULTS.

September 29th (Sat)  -- Reeves Middle School, Olympia -- Puget Sound Classic 5k and 10k. RESULTS.


August 4th  -- Big Creek Campground, Hoodsport -- Beast of Big Creek 10k and 12.5 Mile x-c. RESULTS.

August 5th -- Rainier Vista Community Park, Lacey -- Crimestoppers Race Against Crime 5k, 10k, and 1 mile. RESULTS.

August 11th  -- Orting -- Orting Summerfest 5k & 10k. RESULTS.

August 12th -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- Transcendence 12-hour Ultra Endurance Challenge. RESULTS.

August 25th (Sat)  -- South Bay Veterinary Hospital, Olympia -- Run Like A Dog 5k. RESULTS.

JULY 2012

July 1st  -- The Evergreen State College -- The Torchlight Night 5k. RESULTS.

July 7th  -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Women's 4k Moon Run and Half Marathon. RESULTS.

July 14th  -- McCleary -- McCleary Bear Festival 10k and 2 mile. RESULTS.

July 14th -- Mima Falls trailhead in Capitol Forest,Olympia -- Olympia Traverse multi-sport relay. RESULTS.

July 21st -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Lakefair 8k/3k and Half Marathon. RESULTS. PHOTOS.

July 28th -- Yelm -- 3rd annual Prarie Stampede 5k run/walk. RESULTS.

JUNE 2012

June 2nd -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run for Rett 5k. RESULTS.

June 6th -- TBA, Olympia -- Three Towers Adventure Race. RESULTS.

June 7th -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers Track & Field Meet. BPS RESULTS.

June 8th -- South Sound Stadium, Lacey -- Hershey Youth Track and Field Meet. BPS RESULTS.

June 14th -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers Track & Field Meet. BPS RESULTS. PICTURES.

June 16th -- Hoquiam -- Rock n' Roll Half Marathon and 5k. RESULTS.

June 17th -- Evergreen State College -- Evergreen Classic 5k. RESULTS.

June 21st -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers Track & Field Meet. BPS RESULTS.

June 22nd -- Chambers Lake, Lacey -- 4th annual 4 (Wo)Man/3 Bike Relay. RESULTS.

June 28th -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers Track & Field Meet. RESULTS.

June 30th -- Centralia -- Centralia All-comers Track & Field Meet. RESULTS.

MAY 2012

May 5th -- Hoquiam -- Run for the Birds 10k, 5k, 2mile. RESULTS.

May 5th -- Federal Way -- 3rd annual ET Classic 5k and kids run. RESULTS.

May 5th -- Capitol Building, Olympia -- 25th annual YMCA Spring Run/Walk 8k, 2 mile, and kids 1/2 mile run. RESULTS.

May 6th -- Fort Borst Park, Centralia -- 2nd annual Fun Run 5k and 1 mile run/walk. RESULTS.

May 19th -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon Kids Race 1.2 mile. RESULTS. PICTURES.

May 20th -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- 30th Annual Capital City Marathon. RESULTS. PICTURES.

May 20th -- Evergreen State College -- Return to Evergreen 5k. RESULTS.

APRIL 2012

April 1st  -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k. RESULTS.

April 7th -- Hoquiam -- Easter Bunny Hop Into Hoquiam 10k, 5k, 2 mile. RESULTS.

April 14th -- Tumwater Historical Park, Tumwater -- Cupcake Classic Backwards Mile. RESULTS. PHOTOS.

April 14th -- Tacoma -- Y Run For Kids 5k. RESULTS.

April 21st -- Chehalis -- 3rd annual Soberfest 10k and 1.5 mile run/walk. RESULTS.

April 21st -- Tacoma -- Ruston Way 5k. RESULTS.

April 27th -- New Market Vocational Skills Center, Tumwater -- New Market Walk/Run 5 mile. RESULTS.

April 28th -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak 50km/50 mile. RESULTS.

April 28th -- St. Martin's University, Olympia -- St. Martin's Track & Field Invitational. RESULTS.

MARCH 2012

March 3rd -- Hands on Children's Museum, Olympia -- Donut Dash 5k. RESULTS.

March 3rd -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Mt. Marathon and Hillbilly Half Marathon. RESULTS.

March 17th -- Hoquiam -- St. Paddy's Day Run 10k, 5k, 2 mile. RESULTS.


February 4th -- McClane Elementary, Olympia -- 9th annual Friendship Run 5k. RESULTS.

February 5th -- Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 1/2 marathon and 10k.RESULTS.

February 11th -- Hoquiam -- Run for Your Heart Fun Run. RESULTS.

February 11th -- Centralia -- Matchmaker 5k. 10:00 AM. $35 per team including shirts. Facebook page

February 18th -- Gig Harbor -- Valentine's 5k and kids run. RESULTS.

February 26th -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 5th annual ROAD-odend-RUN. RESULTS. 2012 VIDEO.                         


January 7th -- Lake Isabella State Park, Shelton -- 8k x-c race. RESULTS.

January 7th -- South Sound Running Store, Olympia --2nd annual White Elephant Run 5.0 mile. RESULTS. PICTURES. VIDEO. FACEBOOK PICTURES.

January 14th -- Elma -- Run for Faith 10k, 5k and kids race.

January 21st -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak 17 and 34 Mile Mega Fat Ass. Canceled due to weather conditions.

January 22nd -- Airport Golf Course, Tumwater -- Winter Cross 3k and 5k X-C race. Canceled due to weather conditions.

January 29th -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capitol Groundhog Run 2.2 mile. RESULTS.



December 3rd -- Downtown Shelton -- MissileToe Mile. RESULTS.

December 10th -- Pioneer Park, Tumwater -- 'Tis the Season for a 5K X-C race. RESULTS.


November 2nd -- Lake Isabella State Park, Shelton -- Elementary/Middle School X-C Race 2.2 miles. RESULTS.

November 5th -- Horizons Elementary School, Lacey -- Puddlejump 5k and 10k run, walk, stroll. RESULTS.

November 6th -- Rainier Vista Park, Lacey -- Turn Back the Clock 5k, 10k, family 1 mile. RESULTS.

November 12th -- Millersylvania State Park, Tumwater -- 'Tis the Season for a 5K X-C race. RESULTS.

November 24th -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 2nd annual Oly Trot. RESULTS.


October 1st -- Onalaska -- Apple 8k Run & 2 mile walk "on the wild side." RESULTS.

October 1st -- Shelton High School, Shelton -- 3rd annual Shuck 'n Run 5k. RESULTS.

October 7th -- Huff N' Puff Trail, Shelton -- Elementary/Middle School X-C Race 3200m. RESULTS.

October 8th -- Regional Athletic Complex, Lacey -- 5K Rampage at the RAC. RESULTS.

October 8th -- Northwest Trek, Eatonville -- Run Wild 5k and 8k. RESULTS.

October 21st -- Southside School, Shelton -- Elementary/Middle School X-C Race 3000m. RESULTS.

October 22nd -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- Zombie Dash 5k. RESULTS.

October 28th -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Bruce Newman memorial youth 1.5 mile x-c race. RESULTS.

October 29th -- Tenino Elementary School, Tenino -- Pumpkin Dash II 10k, 5k, and 1 mile. RESULTS.

October 29th -- Pioneer Park, Tumwater -- 'Tis the Season for a 5K X-C race. RESULTS.

October 29th -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Halloween 5k. RESULTS.


September 3rd -- Washington HS, Parkland -- Parkland Pace or Race 5k. RESULTS.

September 3rd -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Harbor Days 6 mile relay/6 mile solo. RESULTS.

September 10th -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Capital Invite Citizen's Race 2.33 mile.RESULTS.

September 10th -- Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma -- Free to Breath 5k run/walk & 1 mile walk. RESULTS.

September 10th -- Horizons Elementary, Lacey -- Master of Faster 5k/10k for a Cure. RESULTS.

September 17th -- Tumwater High School, Tumwater -- 50 Years Running 5k and kids run. 9:00 AM.

September 17th -- Centralia -- Cooks Hill Challenge 10 mile and 5k. RESULTS.

September 25th -- Reeves Middle School, Olympia -- Puget Sound Classic 5k and 10k. RESULTS.

September 28th -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Youth 1 mile X-C race. RESULTS. BPS RESULTS.


August 7th -- Rainier Vista Community Park, Lacey -- Crimestoppers Race Against Crime 5k, 10k, and kids race. RESULTS.

August 13th -- Big Creek Campground, Hoodsport -- Beast of Big Creek 10k x-c. RESULTS.

August 13th -- Olympia Farmer's Market -- Pasta Dash 5k & 10k. RESULTS.

August 13th -- Orting -- Orting Summerfest 5k & 10k. RESULTS.

August 14th -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- Self-Transcendence 12-hour Ultra Endurance Challenge. RESULTS.

August 27th -- South Bay Veterinary Hospital, Olympia -- Run Like A Dog 5k. RESULTS.

JULY 2011

July 3rd  -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- The Torchlight Night 5k. RESULTS.

July 3rd -- Tumwater -- Pioneer Days 5k. RESULTS.

July 4th -- Centralia -- "I Ran From the Cops" 8k and 1.5k. (360) 736-1683 or jshannon@cityofcentralia.com

July 9th -- Capital High School, Olympia -- Ladies only 4k Moon Run/Walk. RESULTS.

July 9th -- McCleary -- McCleary Bear Festival 10k and 2 mile. RESULTS.

July 16th -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Lakefair 8k/3k. RESULTS.

July 17th -- Masonic Memorial Park, Olympia -- Funky Sock 5k. RESULTS.

JUNE 2011

June 4th -- Shelton -- Goldsborough Creek Run, Walk, Jog 7 mile, 2 mile, 1/4 mile Junior Jog. RESULTS.

June 5th -- Tumwater Historical Park, Olympia -- 3rd annual 3 Towers Run. RESULTS.

June 9th -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers Track & Field Meet. BPS RESULTS.

June 11th -- Chambers Lake Trailhead of Chehalis Western Trail, Lacey -- 4 (Wo)Man/3 Bike Relay. RESULTS.

June 12th -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- The Evergreen Classic 5k. RESULTS.

June 16th -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers Track & Field Meet. BPS/SHTC RESULTS.

June 18th -- Swede Hall, Rochester -- Swede Day Fun Run 5k. RESULTS.

June 18th -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 5K Run for Rett. RESULTS.

June 23rd -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers Track & Field Meet. BPS/STCL RESULTS.

June 30th -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers Track & Field Meet. BPS/STCL RESULTS.

MAY 2011

May 8th -- The Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Run for Your Mom 5k. RESULTS.

May 14th -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Capital City Marathon Kids Race 1.2 mile. RESULTS.

May 15th -- Sylvester Park, Olympia -- 30th Annual Capital City Marathon. RESULTS.

May 21st -- Capitol Building, Olympia -- 24th annual YMCA Spring Run/Walk 8k, 2 mile, and kids 1/2 mile run. RESULTS.

APRIL 2011

April 2nd -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Run Like a Fool 5k. RESULTS. PICTURES.

April 10th -- Tumwater Historical Park, Tumwater -- Cupcake Classic Backwards Mile. RESULTS.

April 30th -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak 50km/50 mile. RESULTS.

April 30th -- St. Martin's University, Olympia -- St. Martin's Track & Field Invitational. RESULTS.

MARCH 2011

March 5th -- Rock Candy Mountain (Capitol Forest), Olympia -- Inaugural Mountain Marathon and Hillbilly Half Marathon. RESULTS.

March 12th -- Horizons Elementary, Lacey -- Run for Luck 5k, 10k, and 1 mile. RESULTS.

March 26th -- Rock Candy Mountain (Capitol Forest), Olympia -- 2nd annual Rock Candy Mountain Trail Race. RESULTS. PICTURES.


February 5th -- Mclane Elementary, Olympia -- 5k Friendship Run and Tot Trot. RESULTS.

February 12th -- Centralia -- Matchmaker 5k. RESULTS.

February 13th -- Gig Harbor -- You Knock My Socks Off 4 Miler. RESULTS.

February 27th -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- 4th Annual ROAD-odend-RUN. RESULTS. PHOTOS.



January 8th -- South Sound Running Store, Olympia --Inaugural White Elephant Run 5.0 mile. RESULTS. PHOTOS.

January 8th -- Lake Isabella State Park, Shelton -- 8K X-C race. RESULTS

January 15th -- Capitol Forest, Olympia -- Capitol Peak 17 and 34 Mile Mega Fat Ass. RESULTS

January 22nd -- Airport Golf Course, Tumwater -- 3k and 5k X-C race. RESULTS. PHOTOS

January 29th -- Oakland Bay Historic Park, Shelton -- 6K X-C race. RESULTS

January 30th -- Evergreen State College, Olympia -- Geoduck Gallop 1/2 marathon and 10k. RESULTS. PHOTOS.



December 11th -- Pioneer Park, Tumwater -- 'tis the Season for a 5K X-C race. RESULTS

December 18th (Sat) --Simpson Mason Lake Recreation Area, Shelton -- 5K X-C race. RESULTS


November 6th -- St. Martins College, Olympia -- Puddlejump 5k/10k/Run/Walk. RESULTS

November 7th -- Ranier Vista Park, Lacey -- Turn Back the Clock 5k and 10k. RESULTS

November 25th -- Heritage Park, Olympia -- Oly Trot 5K -- RESULTS


October 2nd -- Shelton HS, Shelton -- Shuck n' Run 5K. RESULTS
October 6th -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Middle School and Younger 1 mile X-C race . RESULTS
October 16th -- Heritage Park @ Capitol Lake, Olympia
-- Olympia DeMolay 5K Run/Walk for Public School Sports. RESULTS
October 22nd -- Southside Middle School, Shelton -- 3rd-8th grade 3K X-C Race. RESULTS

October 29th -- LBA Park, Olympia -- All-city Youth cross-country race. Free. 1.5 miles.


September 4th -- Washington HS, Tacoma -- 2nd Annual Parkland Pace or Race 5k . RESULTS

September 11th (Sat) -- Capital HS, Olympia -- Citizen's Race at HS Capital Invite 2.33 mile. RESULTS
September 15th (Wed) -- LBA Park, Olympia -- Middle School and Younger 1 mile X-C race. RESULTS


August 1st -- Ranier Vista Community Park, Lacey -- Race Against Crime 5k, 10k, and kids' dash. RESULTS

August 7th -- Farmers Market, Olympia -- Pasta Dash 5k/10k. RESULTS

August 15th -- Marathon Park, Olympia -- Self Transcendence 12 hour Endurance Challenge. RESULTS

August 28th -- South Bay Veterinary Hospital, Olympia -- 5th Annual Run Like a Dog 5K RESULTS

JULY 2010

July 2nd  -- Chehalis Western Trail (Chambers Lake Trailhead) --  4 (wo)man/3 bike relay from Olympia to Yelm -- NEW COURSE RECORD

July 4th -- Steilacoom -- Four on the FourthRESULTS

July 10th (Sat) -- Harbor Wholesale, Tumwater -- Tumwater Pioneer Days 5kRESULTS

July 17th (Sat) -- Heritage Park -- Lakefair 8k & 3kRESULTS

JUNE 2010

June 9th -- Olympia High School -- 3 Towers RunRESULTS 

June 12th -- Heritage Park -- Run For Rett 5k.

June 13th -- Evergreen State College -- Evergreen 5KRESULTS

June 15th -- Clover Park HS -- Ina Gadda Da Vida ChallengePICTURES

June 19th -- Rochester -- Swede Day Fun Run -- RESULTS

June 23rd -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers track meet.BPS RESULTS

June 30th  -- Tumwater High School -- All-comers track meetBPS RESULTS

MAY 2010

May 1st -- Capitol Building -- YMCA Spring Run/Walk. RESULTS

May 16th  -- Sylvester Park -- Capitol City Marathon, Half Marathon, and 5 mile. RESULTS

APRIL 2010

April 25th  -- Capitol Forest -- Capitol Peak 50 mile and 55 km ultramarathon. RESULTS

MARCH 2010

March 13th -- Horizons Elementary -- Run For Luck -- 10K, 5K, 1 mile. RESULTS

March 14th -- Capitol Forest -- Rock Candy Mountain Trail Run 8 mile. RESULTS

March 20th -- Steilacoom HS -- Resolution run 5k,20k, 20 mile. RESULTS

March 27th -- Capitol Forest -- Mud March... Trail race

March 27th/28th -- Orting/Yelm -- Endure for a Cure Double Half .


Feb 6th -- McLane Elementary School -- Friendship Run 5K and Tot Trot. RESULTS

Feb. 7th -- Evergreen State College -- Geoduck Gallop Half Marathon and 10K. RESULTS

Feb. 13th -- Centralia -- Matchmaker 5K Run & Walk. RESULTS

Feb. 14th -- Gig Harbor -- You Knock My Socks Off 4 Mile.

Feb. 20th -- Steilacoom HS -- Resolution run 15 mile or 15k. RESULTS

Feb. 21st -- Woodard Bay -- FAMILY CHALLENGE... Smells like team spirit 5K.

Feb. 28th -- Capitol Lake -- 3rd Annual ROAD-odend-RUN. RESULTS. Results also in The Daily Olympian (Monday, March 1st). PICTURES


Jan. 16th -- Capitol Forest -- Capitol Peak ultras. 30 mile/ 17 mile.  RESULTS

Jan. 23rd -- Steilacoom HS -- Resolution Run 10 mile or 10k. RESULTS

Jan. 23rd -- Marathon Park -- Backwards Mile.


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